
Showing posts from October, 2019

Is Pain My Destined Home?

Why am I letting myself sink as if I can't see everything around me? Why is the ground just swallowing me up? Did I choose this or I've fallen into another one of misery's traps ? Someone, please tell me why am I blind to myself? I'm staring at the mirror and a stranger is staring back.  I have a name but what's in a name? Is it that I've forgotten who I truly am? What's bringing about this amnesia? Are these too many questions for a man slowly sinking? Are they any answers for one who's lost in himself? I'm knocking on my thoughts and I don't hear anybody home. There's an emptiness that feels like a grave waiting for my soul. How do I teach myself the art of understanding pain? How is it that my wounds are now scars but they still hurt? How is it that I think the world is horrible but I hate myself ? How is it that I don't know why I'm even asking these questions?

Somewhere Between Humble and Heeell No!

Why isn’t there training to deal with the work environment? Why isn’t there applauds for new ideas rather than experience? Why does it have to have been done for it to be considered as great or even good, to say the least? Beggars are not choosers, right? Following the wind and the crowd is being rewarded while new ideas are being reprimanded. All we  have become are a bunch of yes men and yes women, no room for expressing your ideas because there is already a written manual of how things go. If you by any chance divert you either incompetent or under-qualified for the job. So basically, if it’s hasn’t been done, haven’t been heard or just simply doesn’t make sense to them based on their experience, it’s not feasible or as plainly put "just not what we are looking for right now." Worse off if you so happen to be younger or not their agemate and present something foreign to their long-standing rehearsed terrain. But just because of those few zeros in your bank accou