
Showing posts from 2023

A Journey of Compassion and Healing

Love is a powerful force that can heal and transform lives. It can bring joy, happiness, and fulfillment. However, sometimes love finds its way to someone who is broken, someone who has been hurt by life's challenges and struggles. Loving a broken person requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to embark on a journey of compassion and healing.  When someone is broken, it means they have experienced significant pain or trauma in their lives. This could be due to past relationships, childhood experiences, or even mental health issues. These experiences have left them feeling wounded and vulnerable. As their partner or loved one, it is essential to recognize their pain and approach them with empathy.   The first step in loving a broken person is understanding that their healing process may take time. They may have built walls around themselves as a defense mechanism against further hurt. Breaking down these walls requires patience and consistent support. It means being ther

The Weight I Carry!

Varun Gaba Once upon a time in a small time, there lived a young man named Simon. He was a brave soul, he wore his heart on his sleeves filled with big dreams. However, little did he know his journey would be overshadowed by the pressure and expectations society placed upon him simply because his shoulders were broader and wore pants.  The weight i carry, t he curse of being a man! From an early age, Simon was taught that he must be tough and showing/expressing emotions was a sign of weakness. He was expected to provide for his family, protect them from harm, and be the pillar of strength in the times of trouble. But what about him? This is where his inner battles emanated from, to keep a balance between societal expectations versus preserving his carefree nature. These expectations weighed heavily on his shoulders as he grew older. The more he lost touch with his true nature . As he entered adulthood, the pressure to succeed became overwhelming. Society dictated that he must climb the

Break The Silence That Binds Your Voice

  In the depths of a troubled mind, a battle unseen,   Where shadows dance and whispers meet.   A fragile soul, burdened with despair,   Lost in a maze of thoughts unfair.     Mental Health, a delicate thread to hold,   The journey embarked, and only you can make the journey.   It’s scary and adventurous.   In this realm of darkness   Lies haunting thoughts if it is all worth it.     Like a hurricane, emotions crash against each other,   Disappointment opens, like an endless wave.   Eventually, you give up and bite the dust.   We cannot avoid this reality; we must shed some light.     In the depths of despair, there are strengths to be found,   A glimmer of hope that it could reunite.   Reach out to those who are falling,   Because together we remain united through it all.   Let empathy be our guiding star,   To heal the wounds that cut deep.   With open hearts and listening ears,   We'll erase th