
Showing posts from April, 2019

Breathe! Live From Within

I stare in a distance Trapped in my web of thoughts A thousand strings, Tying logic to emotions Let's cut a deal my dear thoughts! A bliss of compromising myself Such a beautiful mess A Nightmare? Noooo Just a reminder of the power my thoughts hold To build or destroy, Thinking often & deeply Carrying on an inner monologue Conversations that are my new home Burning all the "You will never be anything" Like a matchstick On a paper scrap My thoughts are writing into reality The poem I make of Me Both a blessing & curse I hold the key to open any door I desire I choose to be happy, smile & have a free mind I choose inner peace, I choose Queen Melanin Now I wear positive thoughts & vibes But, inside I feel like screaming out the known Words of discouragement, insecurities & downers But be gone, no more negativity. I'm now allergic, You no longer fit in my vocabulary anymore So deep in my thoughts, I seep positivity (Adr

Just Pull Out The Tooth That Aches & Throw It Away!

šŸ“· Tony Ross Expectations!!! When you hear this word what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Take a second, breathe, if you have it, now ponder on it. Are they realistic? Do they have the next person at heart? The most important question is are they known? Every one of us has preconceived notions, resolutions, and most importantly expectations. While it is justified to hold expectations, it is especially detrimental when those who are expected to fulfil the expectations have no clue. It is nearly impossible for any person to fulfil unspoken expectations. We all have certain expectations, we expect people to act in a certain way, at a specific time. But how can someone meet an expectation you didn't communicate? Be upfront of what you want, it may seem impossible but a pie in the sky is better than setting yourself up for a known hell. It only speeds up problems, set your relationships with people for failure and burn bridges with no chance of rectifying the situ

Self-Confidence: Spread Some Good Vibes!

šŸ“·  Caique Silvah Through my walk in life, I have encountered different characters, personalities, with different lifestyles as well. I witnessed intense happiness, sorrow, sadness, anxiety, and depression. Every feeling you may think of. The best part of being an introvert, you observe and witness behind the scenes for clear sight. I have discovered the force that defines people’s emotions. It shapes people characters, attitude and the way they act. Upon the realization that self-confidence shapes us, I was intrigued and thought this is a topic that needs devouring to feed my curiosity. What really is self-confidence? I asked a couple of people to get a sense of how self-confidence speaks to them and how it is related to performance. Here is a snippet of what they said: “Self-confidence is the trust one has in their own abilities and qualities. It is important yeah…as a contributor to success but it is not everything.” “Possibly the more self-confident one

Why I’m Glad I Came Across The Land of No Men Documentary!

šŸ“·   Oladimeji Odunsi Right now there is a high rate of divorces, a misconception that women cannot work together and #manaretrash rants. It is QUITE a scene that tickles your brain and nudges you into action. From the rise of #feminists, which is working depending on your perception of the situation. I believe “We” yes (I’m a woman) need to stop seeing man as the enemy. Rather take the strides being made to empower us, work towards co-existing as women and be #killingit. I believe women can do it whether men exist or not. No shade, but it all starts with self-awareness and self-advancement. With those You can conquer the World. Through my internet escapades, I came across this amazing documentary on #Umoja women-only village. It fascinated me beyond the obvious, okay they were abused and moved away to start their own village. Their fight began with Rebecca Lolosoli in 1990 for woman rights, genital mutilation, and child marriages. Not disregarding the cause, my attention and