Breathe! Live From Within

I stare in a distance
Trapped in my web of thoughts
A thousand strings,
Tying logic to emotions
Let's cut a deal my dear thoughts!
A bliss of compromising myself
Such a beautiful mess
A Nightmare? Noooo

Just a reminder of the power my thoughts hold
To build or destroy, Thinking often & deeply
Carrying on an inner monologue
Conversations that are my new home
Burning all the "You will never be anything"
Like a matchstick On a paper scrap

My thoughts are writing into reality
The poem I make of Me
Both a blessing & curse
I hold the key to open any door I desire
I choose to be happy, smile & have a free mind
I choose inner peace, I choose Queen Melanin
Now I wear positive thoughts & vibes
But, inside I feel like screaming out the known
Words of discouragement, insecurities & downers

But be gone, no more negativity. I'm now allergic,
You no longer fit in my vocabulary anymore

So deep in my thoughts, I seep positivity
(Adrenaline that rushes my senses & blood)
So deep in my thoughts, I take what I need
(The pleasure of choices is mine)
So deep in my thoughts, I manifest what I want
(A dream that seemed far of a reach)
So deep in my thoughts, I live my fantasy
(Owning my happiness)

New Chapter, New Me: Positive In My Deep Thoughts


  1. Amazing poem Nashe. I really liked your use of words. I have missed reading your poems and it feels great to be reading them again. Thank you for sharing this one.

  2. You words are intricately intertwined awakening thought and emotions. a cocktail of beauty.

  3. Such a beautiful poem. Yes, our thoughts are powerful and can determine a lot.

  4. It's Picasso if it was a painting
    Loved the word play
    Inspirational poetry

  5. This is so beautiful. I could see this being recited, it has such a lyrical quality.


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