
Showing posts with the label Mental Health

Body Acceptance Chronicles: I Learnt To Love The Changes In My Body

📸 Marie-Michele Bouchard   Our little conversations always carry the weight I wish the eyes would acknowledge. We keep muttering and playing with our words: you are enough but, we can not seem to convince the mind. We grew up a chubby baby for most of our life, sly comments here and there, but that is what was familiar and defined us. As we blossomed, our love grew. The height balanced out weight, whilst the weight balanced out the boobs. We were picture perfect. A sudden extreme change in our relationship came with an untimely illness that complicated our relationship. I will not deny it. I had and still have difficulties paying attention. It was a stranger, and Mama taught me never to talk to strangers. It was new territory. I felt lost. People always whispered I should lose weight but what "should" have been a dream turned my life into a nightmare. Even after preparing, many people would still be surprised when the changes crop up. It was my reality. The changes in our bo

Loyalty Is NOT A Rehabilitation Centre For Toxicity!

Julian Myles Loyalty is one of the characteristics that tops everyone's list for someone to have within a relationship. It is an act of freedom where you choose who and what to give your commitment, respect, and affection. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly harder to differentiate between being loyal and taking unlimited, unnecessary pain.  Loyalty is a fascinating, profound concept that goes way beyond trust. But have you ever wondered, "Am I loyal to a fault in my relationships?" Before you can be firmly respectful towards others, you have to respect yourself. People believe that being loyal applies to other people or never being unfaithful to your partner. It means so much more than that - it means being true to yourself, a team player, being there in the best way you can and standing by your love. And never take advantage of the relationship.  Read the last paragraph, never taking advantage of the relationship! It goes both ways in all relationships at work, fr

Mental Health Chronicles With Asher| The Monster You've Became

Have you ever sat down, looked at yourself in amazement and disgust at the same time? Feeling awful about yourself and wondering how you became what you are now. When some time back, you despised your current state of mind and attitude. Then you eventually became a monster unknowingly even though you felt the change within. Looking deep into yourself and realizing all there is an abyss of void. You convince yourself to trade the abys for darkening your depression, creating a monster. Now you ask yourself “Was I meant to become a monster, or I am one?” I believe at some point I used to have human affection, emotions and feelings. Or maybe I thought I did. I think I used to love till I realized it was mediocre infatuation. Even if I loved, I am now aware that I would have passionately consumed the ones I love with hatred for I was gradually becoming a monster. I became an internal monster to myself, then an external monster to those who surround me.  “Love thy neighbour as you love thyse

A Mental Health Series: Creatives In The Spotlight

Creativity is energy. The term "Creatives" is often synonymous with bursts of energy, bubbliness, laughter and being rebellious. Everyone thinks with creativity or being a creative you are always juiced up and ultimately get people juiced up. It seems that simple (and that difficult too). The concept that poor mental health and artistic temperament go hand-in-hand has always speculated. Above all else, let us all remember that anyone can experience mental health challenges, and creatives are no different.  In any career, individuals can face burnout, anxiety, sadness, and work-related stress. Creatives face pressures unique to their work, which can contribute to their risk of mental health issues. The labelling part  and misconceptions are not too helpful.  Practising art requires focus and concentration. This flow or meditative state can help improve our mental health, and being in a good mental space is imperative when creating. I highly recommend people to go for it. Find

Being A Woman Is Now A Trigger Word!

 I'm More Than Just A Body   “People talk about fight or flight all the time without realizing that the third option is 'freeze'. It kicks in when we are in a situation where we believe we cannot escape.”    I Wish I Was More Than Just A BODY That was my first thought when I read a tweet shared of an ordeal a friend experienced through her boyfriend. One would run to think why didn’t the victim report herself, but saying the words, “I was raped” or even processing to convince yourself a person you called your lover would put you through such an ordeal is a bitter pill to swallow. But why is a woman’s body always in question? Some are bold enough to voice their unfiltered thoughts whilst others the thought always lingers, and the great social media where anybody can be anyone has only amplified them to be louder and louder. It’s one thing being treated nothing less than body parts, but the perpetrators being entitled to do so… That's disgusting. No man! While at it l