A Mental Health Series: Creatives In The Spotlight

Creatives Mental Health Series

Creativity is energy. The term "Creatives" is often synonymous with bursts of energy, bubbliness, laughter and being rebellious. Everyone thinks with creativity or being a creative you are always juiced up and ultimately get people juiced up. It seems that simple (and that difficult too).

The concept that poor mental health and artistic temperament go hand-in-hand has always speculated. Above all else, let us all remember that anyone can experience mental health challenges, and creatives are no different. 

In any career, individuals can face burnout, anxiety, sadness, and work-related stress. Creatives face pressures unique to their work, which can contribute to their risk of mental health issues. The labelling part  and misconceptions are not too helpful. 

Practising art requires focus and concentration. This flow or meditative state can help improve our mental health, and being in a good mental space is imperative when creating. I highly recommend people to go for it. Find ways to feed your creativity and take care of your mental health of course.

I had a chance to interview creatives: to express who they are, share their journey to find their authentic connection with self and mental health.

Welcome to the Creatives Mental Health series. Stay tuned, we have incredible and talented creatives on the spotlight.


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