Of Entanglements| When Is The Right Time To Walk Away?

In Her Thoughts: When Is The Right Time To Walk Away?
📸 Joecalih

If you had asked the teenage me if I would ever walk away if there’s the slightest chance of failure and rejection in everything. I would have said a Hell No, I wouldn’t even try to make sense of it but do my best. I always lived on a philosophy of NEVER GIVE UP, PLAY YOUR PART AND GIVE YOUR BEST WHILST AT IT. Not bad right? But I didn’t lay out a mind map on the pros and cons, most importantly when is the right time to walk away and go invest somewhere else? Well, a few heartbreaks, failed projects and waste of my time later. It is good to know when to pack your bags and walk!

If walls could talk, I wonder how they would respond to me when I subconsciously respond out loud to texts. I bet they've heard most people’s honest intentions, thoughts and responses before they’re watered down by ‘haha's’ and emojis. As if it was a sign I came across a tweet which read, “My toxic trait is feeling unwanted and removing myself first so I never feel rejected.” Thoughts? First of all, this is not a toxic trait, according to me, that is. We give people all of our headspaces while we try to figure out things when deep down they’re just not feeling us. Here's the thread

It depends on how you look at it. Is it toxic or Nuh? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. Maybe the curse on our forefather Adam make us believe if we toil, the fruits will supersede the pain. We believe if I just need to work a little bit harder. If I just put in extra hours at work. If I just need to work on communication skills. To be honest, If followed by maybe is not worth it. When will it end? The keyword here is the fruit, if there’s isn’t growth and value out from it, please gladly hit the road.

We’re so quick to trade our self-expression and freedom just for approval, recognition, attention or the big L.O.V.E. Where we do almost anything to prove that we’re in fact worth it. I convinced myself it's a right to walk, that was until I read an article where it said a thought that produces negative emotions usually lead us to assume the worst yet lacking context. What am I saying? There’s a difference between walking away from toxic situations and being a runner.

Let me explain! Before you assume, ask, before you judge, understand and if your gut still tells you, run girl, then take the exit. The bad thing about negatively evoked emotions, they lead you to believe people have bad intentions. It’s common especially when it reminds you of past experiences. But it's true what they say a gut feeling is never wrong, it’s something that worth looking into if it gives you bad vibes.

So walk away with dignity,  and an open heart to create yet another glorious moment where you put yourself first. Think of it as early acceptance. Think of the time, effort and energy you’d have saved yourself.


  1. I think you know when someone is not interested in being around you. Whether it’s an act of self preservation or what ever When it’s time to leave it’s time to leave.

    1. That's true when it's time you know, you won't even question yourself because there will be no option but to leave.

  2. Love love loved this post! How many times have we forfeited our gut feelings because we so badly wanted something to work out. Or we didnt want to be seen as failures within our communities or we just wanted that other person, to love us the way we loved them. You are spot on - if the negative emotions are induced by another person to the point where it breaks you down...walk!

    Thank you for writing this post. x

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback. And it's true to always think of your mental health first than force yourself on people.


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