Dating Someone Who Knows Your Mental Health Is Everything Part 2


It’s been a minute, last time we discussed about how it’s important to know where your partner stands in terms of them being aware of their mental stability. I reckon it’s a must, it saves a lot of surprises and frustrations because you know who you dealing with. If you haven’t read the article click here, so we are on the same page.

I have in a fair share of relationships and it has been a hard journey of knowing how to show up for my partner/friends/family in ways they need me to vs ways I’m comfortable with. It was so easy for me to commit to a routine that was came easy to me like responding fast or make them laugh but I realized sometimes a person just wants you to listen or give them full attention, to feel your presence with no distractions. Hence, this article, please show up for people in your life in ways they need.

So what am I saying? Let me explain. Just show up and pay attention to what your partner actually needs. Don’t assume, don’t generalize we are all unique beings. Just because it works worked with John doesn’t mean Peter will automatically work. For example, for me I like attention and a good listener and my sister for example wants engagement in a conversations. She is a talker and caregiver by nature but she loves it when someone else assumes that role.

When you’re aware of how and how your relationships are, you’re better able to take specific steps to ensure they stand tests of time and day to day challenges. So for my sister I sometimes assume the role of starting a conversations and lift her burdens in terms of responsibility so she has have a little bit of fun. Transferring this to romantic relationships you can never find the one, but you choose the one who better compliments you, you need and is willing to build together. High levels of mutual commitment lead to a better wellness outcomes.

All types of relationships pass through stages, at each stage we navigate our differences with opportunity to greater intimacy and growth. A successful one is distinct in terms support each other’s core needs and values. Be an active listener, there’s a difference between hearing vs listening. Don’t just perceive sound but consciously choose to listen and participate in a conversation. Ask how they’re doing, don’t assume “The today you are off or it’s one of those huh” are a turn off, make time (quality time) for them and be their loudest supporter. Be actively supportive of their aspirations and encourage them through words and actions.


  1. Thanx chommie this helped a lot for me to understand something's about relationships and build on it

    1. I'm glad it helped, i wish the best in your relationships, romantically and professionally.

  2. Really enjoyed this post. It’s so important to take into consideration your partner’s needs and support each other 💗

    1. Thank you Esterella, it's very important to support, and it's importanter to support them in ways they need.

  3. This is such great advice and something I need to remember to keep doing as well! Thanks x

    1. I'm glad I helped with one or two things. All the best in your relationships❤

  4. Great blog post. The information you've shared is so crucial for a relationship. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Alexandra for the feedback. The goal is to help everyone win in their relationships.😊

  5. My partner's support has been insurmountable when it comes to my mental health. He is a lot of the reason that I am where I am. He gave me the love and the time to heal on my time, in my way and I will forever be grateful for him and that act of kindness. Thanks for sharing this blog!

    1. Wow you're blessed, I'm glad you have someone who is there for you in ways that puts your mind at rest. You are welcome and here's to more acts of kindness & support 🥂

    2. I've not really considered being open and honest with partners about my mental struggles as I often think this may deter them but reading this blog post has made it more acceptable to do so. Thanks.

    3. I'm glad you are now open to that. You made my day, it really helps them know all of you.

  6. I loved this post. Thank you so much for sharing and I'll definitely keep this in mind! x

  7. love this. My mental health has cost me relationships in the past and left me broken

    1. Thank you for your feedback, I'm super excited that this post helped in some way. I have found that sharing has made it easier for people to be there for me.

  8. There's no better feeling than knowing your partner is there for you when you need someone...Thanks for the relationship building advice

    1. Thank you for reading and I'm glad it opened eyes on some important aspects of relationships.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you IIham for the read and feedback 🌻

  10. Thank you for sharing, understanding your partner’s mental health is important

    1. That's true Rayo, it's an important part of every relationship.


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