Be Straight Up With Me Or Walk!

In Her Thoughts: Be Straight Up With Me Or Walk!

Have you ever met people who are just not truthful? From the smallest things, like what’s your plan really? Even the simplest question like, what do you do for fun? I don’t know whether it’s the need to impress or insecurity that my answer won’t measure up to the next person’s expectations? At first, it gave me chills, not the warm fuzzy goosebumps but the cringe that literally gives one an upset stomach. I was filled with so many questions, still is, and the reason why I’m writing about it. My mind screams, my face frowns and my whole being escapes me, I can’t handle hearing people deprive themselves of their true self. What for? Is it really worth it?

Many things are avoidable. Literally everything, everyone has a privilege of choice. This is what it’s like every time everyone chose to lie and not be straight up. This is what it’s like living with lies on your tongue, it’s a choice. It all comes down to choice or it's the demons one is battling with inside but they win every time. I somehow understand them, hear me right I’m not saying they are justified but I understand. Social media, yes I said it. Social media has given me a front-row the seat of people who pretend to be what they are not. Okay, let’s say it's peer pressure but what about those small miscellaneous lies?

Have you ever been in a conversation and you throw in a lie or don’t answer truthfully for no reason. In many circumstances, it’s not even necessary. Why do we do that? Why can’t we just be straight up? In personal interactions, relationships or the way we lead in life. We lie with ease, in ways big and small, to strangers, co-workers, and friends and loved ones.

“Honesty may be the best policy, but scheming and dishonesty are part of what makes us human.”

Not my words. People lie possibly to inflate their image or cover up bad behaviour. Once you start lying there’s no going back. You will constantly be covering up for one lie, one after the other. It must be exhausting, no wonder people who lie always look tired, it's a lot keeping up with a lie.

We all lie, but not all lies are the same. People lie and tell the truth to achieve a goal: “We lie if honesty won’t work,” says researcher Tim Levine.

It's true in its own way but the effort to be straight forward make life and interactions a whole lot easier. Let’s normalize being straight up with ourselves and people around us. I mean, it starts with refraining from using shorthand, riddles and taking the high road to get to the point. Hahaha yeah, I hate those with a passion. Just go straight to the point, good communication is very important.

Start disrupting unhealthy patterns from the smallest ones, it's good self-care and self-awareness. You can never stop learning— be careful of what you’re learning, it’s difficult unlearning things. Just do things with integrity, and most importantly be true to self.  



  1. What a piece on lies. Loved the facts. I had moments when i was like, 'Preach Girl'. I have been there and I'm done with those types of conversations

    1. Thank you love, I appreciate the feedback ❤🌻 there are so vain right

  2. Thanks chommie for the wise words

    1. Thank you for reading, I appreciate the support and feedback 😊🌻

  3. Great post. I personally love being open and honest. But sometimes 8m too open. Lol

    1. Thank you Neecee. I totally get you, sometimes it's hard drawing the line between sharing and oversharing. But what I have noticed it's better to put everything on the table than hold back.

  4. I think it's also important to discuss how tricky it is to catch yourself doing it. When lying becomes impulsive, it's really hard not to lose yourself to the image you're creating through your lies and essentially living on autopilot. But, that makes it all the more refreshing and empowering when you do manage to take a step back and start taking honest control of your words. Great post!

    Ella-Rose ~

    1. Wow I couldn't say it better, this is wonderful. Thank you for your feedback 😊

  5. The idea of being truthful to yourself is easier said than done . However it is a necessity and life is less stressful or hectic when you are truthful even to those around you. Living for the gram and strangers has brought us here. Loved the post and gosh short hand annoys the life out of me

    1. It's easier said, hard ro be done but worth while over time. It's a habit if it's constantly practiced it becomes part of you. It's crazy how it's all a show but at what cost? I wonder.

  6. Anyone who is that evasive in our lives or their own life are definitely not invested in creating any kind of true connection (to themselves or other people). Really great post!

    1. Thank you Molly, true it's important to be true with self to transfer that in our relationships (personal or professional).

  7. Wisdom allows us to be more aware of insincerity! Thanks for an interesting perspective!

    1. Thank you, I'm glad I brought a different perspective.

  8. Very interesting piece, am not condoning the behavior but as everyone is on a journey truth starts to matter at a certain point in life. No one lies for no reason but everyone has where they derive there truth from.
    If it's their truth and they own it well.
    It's good to tell the truth but not always easy . Some truths are rather left unsaid😂😂😂hope I make sense .

    1. Hahah I get you. Not all truths can be well received by the next person. Bottom line you can't please everyone, as long you are truth to yourself and own it,that's a starting point.

  9. Interesting, thanks for sharing.


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