Deception & Deceit!

In Her Thoughts: Deception & Deceit!

She called my name out, I give up;
Tears flooded in her eyes;
They say eyes can't lie, the pain and sorrow pierced at the edge of her eyes;
Out of them, tears of regret, pain, and questions;
Why me? She asked all she wanted is to give her son the life she never had;
The serpent had deceived her to eat the apple of trust;
She roared lies and deception, words of betrayal beautifully crafted for destruction.

It's always the ones close to you that walks you to your grave;
They prepare your death-bed, shade crocodile tears - happy riddance tears and pretend sad - while their hearts itch with joy;
They thrive on pain, their thirst runs deep;
Torn apart, at the edge of life and death;
She was ready to let go into the dark swirling hole;
She was ready to throw the towel in;
She called out my name, I give up she said;
The tremble in her voice was a sombre beat of helplessness;
Sadness overwhelmed her soul.

Only if I knew, only if I had texted her more; only if I had told her often I love her. Only if!
Time runs out, don't wait till it's too late.
Check up on your friends, family, neighbors, workmates, and partners.
Ask them often how they are?  If they need a shoulder? If they need you to just listen?


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