5 Bloggers From Zimbabwe!

In Her Thoughts:5 Bloggers From Zimbabwe!

About 2 years ago I started In Her Thoughts, my circle was small almost non-existent.
Other bloggers have been incredibly supportive of me, been inspired by their content and I always learn something different from their work. I will take this time to appreciate your support, shown through liking my articles and reading my repeatedly senseless articles.

It’s hard meeting bloggers face to face, but thanks to social media! Some of us were still anonymous and my blog wasn't attached to my face, so I had two personalities online @inherthoughtszw and @nashelee_. No one really had any idea who they were talking to, but as they say, where there’s a will, there’s a way, and these five bloggers really helped me. I slowly started to warm up to the blogging community or vice versa…

We shared ideas, success and failure stories, gave advice to each other, but more importantly, we supported each other. So here are just five from a dozen bloggers from Zimbabwe:

Thembi Terry

She is a powerhouse! She provided me with the first blogging community, dupped Women That Press. One thing I learnt from her: Don’t overthink it (I’m the queen of overthinking), if you have a passion and something you really want to share and talk about, just go for it! Go all in, and don’t be afraid to grow with your blog, it’s all part of the fun.

Becoming uBu

I want to be her when I grow up. I had no clue what I was doing, but all I knew was that I really wanted to do it. Her content really inspired as a blogger and personally. Her book, Self- Care series, is lit. If you haven’t been to it, don’t worry, I will hook you up with a link.

Flavian Has Issues

I worked with him when I was an editor. He opened me up to a whole new blogosphere and line of thinking. Yes, there are best practices and things all of them will have in common, but the reason for success is different to everyone. 

Becoming The Muse

C'mon he is the uncle of blogging. Since 2018 and I’ve become part of The Blogger Program family, I’ve been able to meet wonderful people and Beaton always retweets and likes my posts. The consistency is real guys!  What I like the most about him is how determined and focused he is, so efficient with his time, so responsible and always an inspiration, a true goal-getter!

Half Thoughts 

His chronicles always run deep! If show the real you and you’ll be able to connect on a deeper level with your audience was a person. I love how he shares his chronicles, mental health and a good friend of mine. He is some of the people who help me behind the scenes (hello again, overthinking and procrastinating).

Thank you Afrobloggers for this opportunity to pass it forward and celebrate the amazing blog-ships I've made through blogging.


  1. Girl please sit down. We love your " repeatedly senseless articles "

  2. This that you call senseless is trite education to us, more than ever I'm thankful for finding blog posts like this. Thank you dear, their pages are as amazing as your own.

    1. Thank you so much, this what signed up for, some positivity. I really appreciate your support and keep motivating you. Much love🌬❤


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