Of Twars, Hashtags And No Action!

In Her Thoughts: Of Twars, Hashtags And No Action!

I'm the one to read, like or just scroll. I  came across a particular tweet that caught my attention with #ZimbabweansMustFall, it led to a series of tweets and apparently it was trending. I read all tweets with an open mind, and I have decided not to take sides. I'm pro-life, #blacklivesmatter, pro-African and pro-progressive thinking. No in between, I understand their frustration about jobs, it's the norm in every African society ( l stand to be corrected), living at the messy of others is no joke. And being deprived of a chance to is no less. Not saying it justifies taking lives. Don't exercise your right at the expense of others. Nationality, height or weight, same blood flow through our veins. Hating each other, back and forth tweets degrading each other only look bad on our part. African is now just a term they use to bundle us up, we longer connected. I'm not saying Zimbabweans should leave camp and head for the south, but then again how do you solve a problem on the run? Face it head-on, and don't underrate it for others because you found the easy way out or in the name of sharing opinions. All I'm saying we can voice of concerns, raise our pleas without disregarding the next. I read with an open mind, a cry echoed in every tweet for Africa to unite and work together. Where everyone has equal chances, opportunities and voices. Where we listen to understand and not disregard concerns just because it bruises our egos. Where we aren't always quick to choke our brothers and sisters by the neck to get the bigger share, to reign and claim supremacy. Where one cry pains every nation. Voices channelled to make Africa rise again!


  1. It's just sad that the people who are supposed to be each other's keeper are up in arms.Some South Africans have a sort memory, not too long ago before their independence they were coming to Zim for refuge

    1. We are stronger together than apart. #AfricaRise

    2. In Mbare, Majubheki was named after it's residents who came from South Africa as they tackled apartheid. I am not for us having some sort of Maharare there but now because we are there they should have heart. If I find time I would like to interview some of the ANC leaders who might have lived in Zimbabwe


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