An Issue Close To My Heart!

In Her Thoughts: An Issue Close To My Heart!

I’m for all people, no race, completion nor does gender really matter. I fall in love with minds, and people who take charge of their voice, ooze confidence and stand their ground for what they believe in. I may disagree with their opinions 100% of the time, but there’s something about people who know who they are, what they stand for and their power. HONESTY. SELFCARE. CONFIDENCE. HAVING A VOICE. I f?cks with that. For you to embrace your voice it takes you being in a good mental space, being your trueself and posivity with a lot of self care. And that is what's close to heart.

I love writing, though my consistency might make it seem the opposite. I'm a Creative at heart. In fact, I love any form of art, it’s more than strokes on a canvas, words on paper or looking into the lenses. It’s about the different forms of expression that fascinates me, how we are so similar but yet so different in how we use our Voices. Imagine the different voices that are being channeled by #WinterABC2020, writing on the same topics but everyone has their own different creative touch to it. And that’s what I’m here for!

"One art at a time building a generation of wild, confident young minds."


  1. You're so right about having to be in good mental space to be able to embrace your voice! I loved that!

    1. Thanks Molly. Just appreciation the effort one puts to embrace and use their voice.


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