Her Voice, Her Pride!

In Her Thoughts: Her Voice, Her Pride!

Once upon a time, she was born. 
Tiny hands, perky cheeks, full with a glow of hope.
Ambition in the firm grip of her fist.

This is no folklore, gather around!
But if you are expecting yet another no close to reality story, kindly Exit.
Or looking for a story for gags kindly hit EXIT.
Or looking for entertainment follow your uncles to the Left, to the Left.

Yeah, I'm using first-person because I stand as a voice for women.
I own every word, unadulterated and unapologetically.
Pretty big shoes to fill but my ambition and voice are just enough.
I gotta practice what I preach right!

So imagine me! Curly hair, an afro crown I have earned. 
With a firm fist shot in the sky.
A belly full of words.
A vision of what women can become.

I might tremble at my first word
Quiver when I stand
Discouraged at my first effort
But guess what?
Each step harness the power from within
Practice makes perfect. So who are you to judge!?

Hear me! Listen carefully.
I'm Be-Coming, It's not what you see right now that matters.
But the attractive effect I'm molding myself into.
Within this restless, hurried, modern world.
I still rise in my craft!
Sis Reign and Slay in your lane!
Our Voice Matters!


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