4 Things That You Should Trash In The Next 21 Days!

In Her Thoughts: 4 Things That You Should Trash In The Next 21 Days!

The ultimate excuse has always been  I don't have time. Whether it's time to spend with your loved ones, time to pursue your dreams, time to process things and put them into perspective. Time to explore and take risks. Well! You have plenty of time now! Depressing it may seem but this #21DaysLockDown is a blessing in disguise. That's depending on how you use it!

Here are some toxic traits and situationships you should work yourself out of in the next 21 days:

'Secure the bag'

Secure means fixed or fastened so as not to give away, become loose, or be lost. The whole point of having money to use, give and invest, right? Life is too short and money ain't gonna buy you more time. You are the bag you should invest in your talents,  learn new skills, ask for advice and find a mentor. That way you are equipped to have your money work for you than secure the little you have. Cultivate the zeal to grow and break out of your comfort zones. Stop looking for quick rich schemes all the name of securing the bag. Work!


"Kana zvirisei kubhadhara siya. Panongoda kuti haa maya bhoo." It simply translate to let go of everything that doesn't add value and learn to say NO! In life learn to say no and walk away from toxic  situation: work, relationships and self doubt.  Take care of your mental healthy. You need to be on your A game to slay in your lanes.

Fear To Be vulnerable 

Give your all don't be afraid to take risks. Treat life as a win or lose. When you lose it's a lesson and a win is a bonus to self containment.

Watering Dry Spoils

Every action brings upon opportunities  and if they don't work out move on to the next. The decision to move on and keep nurturing is very critical. Don't run over every opportunity,  choose the one that resonates with your vision and invest your all in it. Whether it's business ideas, relationships or networks.

At the end of day:


  1. Thank you chommie for the wise words it made me thinking about my goals and plans in life

  2. You are welcome, I'm glad it helped🌻 I wish you all the best.

  3. Love, love this.thank you for sharing

  4. I love This, “Don't run over every opportunity, choose the one that resonates with your vision and invest your all in it.” Very well put! Thank you, much needed this Morning.

    1. Thank you🌻 we all need to slow down sometimes and process our decisions. I'm glad you were helped in some way😊

  5. I made a blogpost that has one of the ideas you put foward here and it was received overwhelmingky by its readers. You are doing well. Keep up the same energy.��☺��

    1. Thank you Tanaka, please share I would like to read it.

  6. I made a blogpost that has one of the ideas you put foward here and it was received overwhelmingky by its readers. You are doing well. Keep up the same energy.��☺��

  7. I made a blogpost that has one of the ideas you put foward here and it was received overwhelmingky by its readers. You are doing well. Keep up the same energy.��☺��


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