Every Creative Deserves To Be Celebrated!

It been 2 weeks to be exact and had no idea of what to write next. A complete black out… These are rare but they often happen 2 x month and we must be ready. Do you mind? I applaud storytellers, any creatives and everyone who is holding it down. It takes a lot to piece together art, ideas or any entrepreneurial efforts. Guys. This changed my perspective and raised questions I hope you will help me answer. Okay, let’s dive right in it. No time to waste here. Whilst at it, let’s scare creative-block out of its gourd. Say it with me: Let the creative juices flow…

You think this is weird, huh? Okay, okay I get it. Don’t mind me flexing for a minute I had missed writing. Well, I’m back and I feel like we need to talk through these things thoroughly, all in name of supporting creatives! If you think I’m going to talk about something else, click back or the x at the top of the page. Part one of my goal in storytelling = seeking lessons in every experience other than sulking, and dipping into my creative jar to bring a motivational and personal development post. So, it’s time to live the dream through my experience.

Every talent needs to be celebrated. In every creative talent comes a story that is worth to be put on the spotlight. It is what’s left to connect us to each other after the internet took over. “With the advent of iPhone, iPad and selfies, it’s too much of I's. What happened to us?” We have lost our human touch at things and storytelling is more important than ever. But how can we embrace something we don’t appreciate? Creatives! WE SHOULD CLAIM OUR ART and vow to make it count. No more back and fourths, melodramatic thoughts or pulling each other syndrome. It’s time to live what we create, starting today. Trust me the creative blocks, long hours and changes will be worth it. Enjoy the process, it builds up to the climax and followed by a satisfying conclusion.

Here is some inspiration:

I will  just leave this here: The process might not make sense but it is all in the final product  baby…

Okay, I’m done with creatives. I heard when scolding, you start from home. Moving forward, it won’t make sense to create art without an audience to indulge them. A mere a picture is worth 1000 words but for only those who seek to find meaning. Soo. My beautiful readers, ladies and gentleman, when you see someone’ grind tweet, retweet, like etc. You are the final icing to the cake that beloved work needs. So, devour and share the good words, pictures, businesses and entrepreneurial ventures. This situation right here is too legit to deprive yourself.

 “In recent years there has been a growing interest in the role that cultural and creative industries play in developing economies – both in terms of their ecocomic contribution but also in social change and cultural engagement.” UNESCO 2013

It’s August, let’s finish strong.


  1. I love this so much! As someone who runs their own blog, the creativity really comes and goes. I don't try to force it, but I do love when I'm feeling good and it just feels like words spill out from my fingers onto the keyboard. So we should celebrate all creativity, from writing, to photography, and more! It's hard work, but the end product makes everything so worth it. <3 Fantastic post!

    Emily | https://www.thatweirdgirllife.com

    1. Thank you Emily, let's keep I'm creating😊 I love your work.

  2. I can get behind his 100%. My spark of inspiration comes in waves, usually in the dead of night when the world is sleeping. I'm 2 months ahead of myself and feel guilty for not writing on a daily basis but I'm constantly planning and plotting my next move with my blog. It doesn't have to always be writing - it can be recording, drawing, etc.

    Great post!

  3. Word Reenie!
    I've found that these blocks can be alleviated by the simplest things like taking a walk,listen to music ,talking to friends or family and for some just sleeping.

    1. Thank you for the tips🌻 creative block got nothing on me now.


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