New Month Talk With Yours Truly!

How can it be August already? How time flies. I hope you can squeeze all the goodness out of it and catch up on my past posts.

It feels like you are always running a race you can never win right? So many things to do in such a short time. Did you get to do what you had planned out for the month of July? Whoops... tough question? Anywho, are you still going to do them? Whether yes or no, I thought to start this month with a New Month post. Whoop whoop! Nothing over the top or to scold you about  what you didn't get done. But, to create a conversation about how we ought to think, do and simple things we can actually achieve for ourselves without feeling guilty every month-end when we are introspecting.

Let's sail the August boat ashore together! 

When a new rolls in, we are already veering our focus. Everyone is excited. And yes, we start posting motivational quotes and messages to get us through the month. Fine, we widely celebrate the beginning but along the way we fall in frenzy only to be shocked when the month is over. Funny it is that we barely remember what happened to knock you off track. Sorry, I said I wasn't going to focus on the negatives. New month, new mindset, a fresh start right?

The Way To Go This August!

  • Positively – No matter what, try to find the good in every situation. I promise it’s there.

  • Wisely – Let’s try to think before we speak, my mouth has gotten me into more trouble than I care to say and let’s not even talk about my emotions that drive the get-away car. The bible says, a soft answer turns away wrath but grievous words stir up anger. Tell your emotions to give you the keys….

  • Thoughtfully – Let’s think more about someone else than ourselves.

  • Maturely – I know this is hard but sometimes you have to be the bigger person in a situation, even if it means saying you’re sorry first.

  • Responsibly – you know what this means…

  • Unapologetically – having/living without regrets.

I have so much to say, but let me stop before I ruin it. I wouldn't want to overload you, if you know what I mean. 

Happy new month! I wish you more love and less paper work.


  1. I still cant believe we're halfway through the year. Im gonna try and look at August and do things your way. Thank You!!!

  2. Elegantly simple and straightforward to follow
    Will apply it to my great October .
    Thank you


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