A Tale Of The Do's & Don'ts


Where to begin... Writing content is an art, we all should put it up there with the "supposed" top jobs. It’s close and personal yet requires more than just time. Dedication. You pour your soul in every word. A tale of speaking your truth, unfiltered and raw. But without support of your community, audience and fans it’s impossible for a creator to make a living. So basically, I’d like this article to break the ice and show ways how you can support your favorite content creators.

Stop supporting from the terrace.

Stop just liking tweets and start consuming each other’s content. How many people have liked a tweet but never clicked the link to read? We are all guilty much! Yes you… It may seem obvious but most creators rarely read or support the next. Before the #WinterABC2020 we were basically in our shells, kudos to @Afrobloggers for this. I got to meet new bloggers and devour their content. When the challenge is over, let’s continue supporting each other. By consuming different content we grow as content creators.

Like or comment in your head.

Other than consuming their content, leave a review or comment. A follow and subscribe, goes a long way. If you leave a comment, it helps them stay motivated, the more engagement the content gets, the more people also interact with it. I don’t know if it’s just me but I find it easy commenting on a post with other comments. Weird but yeah! Sometimes people come to my inbox to pass comments. Then I’m like why didn’t you just post it in the comment section. But anyway, stop liking or commenting on other people’s posts in your head.

Stop second guessing your craft.

We all out here trying to make sense. You would know if you read other content creator’s work. Once you know what your circles are about, you will appreciate your voice and tell your story in your own way and in your own words. You discover your uniqueness. Face it. We are all Becoming. And I admit, I’m still far from perfect. But it helps remind yourself, why you write and why your voice matters.

The opinions expressed here are all In Her Thoughts! Sign up so you’ll never miss post.


  1. Haha guilty as charged. I am one of those people who comment in their heads. I promise to do better

    1. We are all becoming remember. Being open to learning is good. I'm glad i shown light to what needed to be changed.

  2. Somehow I am now pointing a finger at myself for all those times I second guess my craft and the whole idea of transferring my comments to a private conversation. Thank you dear for your insight, high time I avoided this.

    1. We all unique in our own way so never think you are short of something rather work with your strengths. The world needs more content creators and your voice.

  3. Thank you for sharing 😊
    I comment in my head sometimes. Guilty!

    1. And I'm glad you commented. That's a good step in the right direction. 😁❤


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