Letters of Hope

#WinterABCA2021: Letters of Hope

I write with so much excitement in my boots, they can't stop tapping from the beating drum of my dear heart. I suppose most of us are lonely in this big world, until when, I repeat only when we fall tremendously in love, find comfort in the embrace of another, we find out what a lonely world we been living in.

I write to you about a discovery. The pain, the snub that somehow made my emotions fluctuate. A testimony that "Social pain is real pain". I have found a cure. We tend to assume people's behaviour are narrowly self-interested, focused on material benefits. But I have searched in the depths of material things, still, my heart kept yearning for more. 

Pleasure is wired into our operating system, being connected needs no ulterior motive. I don't think I will ever fully comprehend how experiencing love in its purest form alters your perception.

The pleasures of human experience are emptied away without connections - not the ones famed for getting you a job or being moved to the front of the line. But the one that's special in every sense. Nothing under the face of earth approximates it, that's if we all being honest of course.  

I write to you hoping my story carries hope and it may drop a kiss of hope with it into your heart, to be embalmed, till you meet YOURS as I have met MINES, closer.


With Love


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