Softening up after having been tough is hard!


How does one heal after a series of bad experiences? Do you take a breather or jump onto the next train as if nothing happened? Today we are talking about how life experiences alter our personalities in time.


Self-reflect for a moment; are you the same person you were years ago? The way you act, interact, love or talk to yourself?

We are all shaped by experiences in our lives. The memories, good or bad alters our outlook towards our lives and future. When you have been through an emotionally draining experience or experience loss, opening yourself up to the world is an uphill battle. You want to trust and love again but, you cannot help but worry that you might fall into another dark hole. 

What most people do not realize is the deeper connection between life experiences and mental health. 


The deep personal experiences and social circumstances we find ourselves in define us. Ultimately our mental health can be influenced by our family, our relationships and how we see ourselves.  


How you struggle to open up because you were back-stabbed. 

How it is hard to shift your mindset after growing up struggling. You have to convince yourself that you can now buy stuff when you want not only because it is a necessity. Tell yourself it is okay to live comfortably.

How do you stop that voice at the back of your mind, that worrying?



"Loosen up!" But, softening up after having it hard is not easy as it sounds.

I always tell myself during conversations with self, if our continent's future changes for the best, we will all need one hell of a therapy session. Think of it, how will we move away from all the trauma?  How can we get to normal again? IMAGINE IT.

No matter how many people have been down this road before us, no one can ever prepare you for it. It is no exam one can cram and pass. Each one of us moves on in our way and on our own time; one truth is almost universal: we all face this challenge at some point in our lives.


So, when go into world every morning remember your personal experiences are created by how others treat you. Likewise, their experiences are a reflection of how you treat them. Be kind.


  1. Mental health is very important but people tend to downplay its importance.

    It is wisdom to move away from anything or anyone who is a barrier to your mental health.

    1. Yes protecting everything that brings you peace 🌻


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