Is Pain My Destined Home?

Why am I letting myself sink as if I can't see everything around me?
Why is the ground just swallowing me up?
Did I choose this or I've fallen into another one of misery's traps?
Someone, please tell me why am I blind to myself?
I'm staring at the mirror and a stranger is staring back. 
I have a name but what's in a name?
Is it that I've forgotten who I truly am?
What's bringing about this amnesia?
Are these too many questions for a man slowly sinking?
Are they any answers for one who's lost in himself?
I'm knocking on my thoughts and I don't hear anybody home.
There's an emptiness that feels like a grave waiting for my soul.
How do I teach myself the art of understanding pain?
How is it that my wounds are now scars but they still hurt?
How is it that I think the world is horrible but I hate myself?
How is it that I don't know why I'm even asking these questions?
Maybe if I call pain a home I won't try to escape 
Maybe I need to give a voice to all my tortured thoughts 
Maybe I'll finally stop drowning while I stand on water
Maybe I'll stop slowly sinking into myself 
Maybe just maybe all these questions will stop.

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  1. Pain has a lingering effect, in as much as anyone would want a quick remedy for it, the important lesson from pain is identifying the cause of pain.

    And trying not to trigger it again

    1. Its okay to deal with pain, but never okar to give in to it

    2. Yeah true but usually it difficult to differentiate the two when you in it.


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