Deep Hues of Sadness

Heartbreak, typical lies and misleading actions.
It has always been obvious but this was quite a unique occurrence.
He found her at her weakness, knew her scars and flaws.
He knew she wasn’t ready for anything but somehow made her believe this one would work out
He lured her with his promises and visions of better days he was going to bring.
Bit by bit, her old heart was revived, and his promises made her think that finally it was her time.
Everything was flowing, she tried to be optimistic telling her wounded soul that she wouldn’t
Get hurt again.
She let him in, showed him her vulnerability, the dirt and gave him the key to her heart.
It felt good, it felt right and it felt like home. At least that is what she thought

Blinded by his love…her poor soul ignored the signs and red flags.
In her mind she kept telling herself he wouldn’t do anything hurtful.
She found solace in his promises, words of love and the plans they made. It was perfect!
She focused on the good & chose to believe.
He would reassure her and it ended in sexual interaction which somehow made her feel wanted.
The thought of him only wanting sexual gratification, was evaded at any cost.
In her mind, he loved her and he wouldn’t do anything to hurt.
The look in his eyes when he promised always & forever, anyone would have fallen.
Well eventually he peaked.

To her it came as a storm but for those around her it was long coming.
She was blinded in her love for him, and he said he loved her too.
He messed up a couple of times, but she still had a place for him.
She was unbearably naive
She would even walk through the conversation in her head. Convincing herself it wasn’t the man that promised her the world.
Lost in her thoughts of the good days, infatuated by love & the thought of holding on
No matter how hurt she was, tears she shed, she still wanted her man.
Her mamma told her to always stand by her man, she didn’t tell when to let go & most of all
when to stop convincing a bleeding heart
Time passed, he changed! There was no longer resemblance of the man she fell in love with.
The long talks, words of affirmation and affection was a thing of the past.
“It was just a phase”, she thought, ‘every relationship goes through this’, she told herself.
The hellos turned to silence that echoed rejection and love lost.
She tried to wait, she tried to be strong and he had assured her he was different.
Only to find out that he had found another. Young and pretty.
It shred her to pieces…

He knew she was a broken soul but he just didn’t care anymore.
He knew she would do anything for him but it didn’t make a difference.
She wondered where she had gone wrong, she blamed herself
Not for falling in love, but for believing he was different and
Letting him through to the sacred parts of her soul,
Even the parts that gave him the power to wreck her emotions
But she now knows better, he taught her that no matter what
Some people will never be satisfied, they just can’t get enough
Her only concern is that this grim reaper will not keep on devouring innocent hearts.
She hopes they will see clearer than she did.

Now she is perfectly struck with hues of sadness. 


  1. Lovely Nashe, well done. Don't stop writing.

  2. So l dont have a sister but l am deeply touched. This is the reality that many find themselves in. Closely to this would be the case when the girl is innocently led to marry the guy only to discover true identity when she has committed herself knee dip.

  3. So sad and a lesson to learn from


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