Savage Proof

Are you in a relationship? How good is your better half? These questions drown many people in sorrow and suck the life out of them. It might have happened or it’s happening in your walk in the dating life. Being in a place where all you can do is sigh! That conversation that plays well in your head, but somehow your lips get stuck and cannot utter a word. The questions confuse you, they take every word from your lips. What makes it a dumbfounding experience, the questions always come when you have no partner or just had a breakup. To save face you even go out of your way to explain, ‘we just broke up’, ‘good men are hard to find’ or any phrases that romanticize your horror. Diverting their thoughts of you being a loner as the center of your existence. Being deprived of attending couple’s events with colleagues, friends and family. The excuses gets old. The ‘I don’t have a partner’ song slowly becomes embarrassing to utter and staying in your own shell seems to be a better escape to save face. Everyone wish they could just tap into a human mind and see how it works, just to safeguard their hearts.

A good friend of mine gave me an insight, which I feel is the missing piece to the dating puzzle. The conversation gave glimpse of hope to the slowly dying fundamentals of dating. As usual people complain that dating in the 21st century is more mind games and savagery rather that real companionship. What stroke me most was the response, ‘be a savage proof’. Why wait for people to be vile towards you, when you can protect yourself from such. A ‘savage proof’ as my close friend termed it, starts with knowing yourself, loving who you are and being your own person. You must be wondering how that changes the other person from being a savage & playing mind games.  Let me explain!!! By embracing yourself, you save yourself the heartache and hustle of waiting for someone to ‘complete you’ or ‘make you whole’ as many of you PUT it. ‘We are far from perfect, but we are made perfect by the ones who love us’. The words echoed in my head and it got me thinking, so why do you let an imperfect person take charge of your life and happiness?

Be you, stop expecting a superhero out of your partner. Replace impulse reactions and overthinking with self-love and joy. Just be thankful of the things that you have, there is life ahead. Refrain from drowning in sorrow over a lost lover, be good cheer of those coming and those who stayed all this while. Key to life is striving, enjoy life and the word grudge will never be in your vocabulary. Note: Don’t easily trust and don’t easily suspect as well.


  1. hahahahaha nice article, i think mind games are necessary though
    during that getting to know each other phase and breaking the ice process because women tend to be defensive in the beginning but in a relationship i agree people should just be themselves.

    1. But if you build a relationship on lies how will it work. Woman are beings that's craves love in its purest form, maybe they will be defensive because they smell the mind games .

  2. I believe people should just b open from the start n act the same way u will in the next 6-7 months then pretend t love someone and end up messing them up. Word just be you


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