Hi There, The Prodigal Daughter Is Back!

Hi There, The Prodigal Daughter Is Back!
In Her Thoughts

Hi there, I'm back!

It's been a while. Between work and relationshiping, writing had taken back seat. Not intentionally but it just didn't make it to the to-do list. Somehow I was too tired, or too busy or too... well, not just motivated. I've seen good moments worth long paragraphs of words. I've seen sad moments that suck all words in a vacuum you can't seem to ink them. Maybe that's the reason why I've stared at a blank page/screen for long knowing what I want to write but failing to express through ink. Creative block is better at least there is effort. My body was tired.

Status update, I landed a new job, HOORAY! A momentary bliss of assurance that I'm good at something if I put my all. Being part of social change, looking back and say the day wasn't bad after all, I helped a soul. Fulfilling. Yes. Demanding. Yes. Draining. By now you get where I'm heading.  Maybe that's the reason why I've been quiet. The feeling of navigating a foreign terrain. More of a blind man without his can. A familiar friend. I missed writing. My purpose. My zing.


            Hi there, 

                        I'm back! 










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