
Showing posts with the label Self Care

Ever Felt So Comfortable, You Feel Entitled To Things You Once Honored!?

It’s been hard quarantining but one or two podcasts a day keeps the ball rolling! It’s true what you spend more time with shapes you. Exhibit one, this article. Hang around a little bit more and you will agree or not but it has to be said either way. Have you ever been so comfortable in a situation, workplace, relationship, or in life generally, that it quickly turns from honoring that blessing to full blown entitlement? Yes! Today I’m coming to your house. Somehow, we lose the spirit we had at the beginning, where we felt grateful for the job, honored to have friends who listen, or when you found love. And we end up having an insatiable hunger, an ‘I should have’ mentality which is often linked with little to no commitment at all. Why do I say so? Commitment shows in what you do (your actions). For instance, when the #Lockdown started I would wake up early, get my chores down, exercise, bath, and get on with work in time. But two weeks in, it went from waking up early to I wi

Why You Should Add Morning Pages To Your Self-Care Routine

I h ave always been a pen and paper person, even when I know I’m going to type it out later. Usually, there won’t be any logical cohesion, but just a layout of ideas in their rawest form. For quite some time it seemed like the silliest brilliant key to a clearer mind, coming up with better ideas and less pressure to produce fine art from rough ideas. It can be anytime and anywhere, if something crazy and unique comes to mind I just jot it down. It can just a simple word, a phrase or an unpopular opinion. And I’m glad to say it’s from these abstracts that some of my best work budded from. When I heard of morning pages by Julia Cameroon, I was hooked by the idea of writing three pages in the morning. From writing just a heading or a phrase three pages was quite a stretch but it was worth a try! This why I think you should try it too! It’s not like everyone have much to do anyway. No shade. Lemme explain! Being at home 24/7 isn't something you get used to easily after years of

It's In The Lines That Form On Her Cheeks!

A story, of immense beauty in the way her cheeks blush, Blushing rouged red, of smiles and happiness that flow in the lines on her cheeks, Perky and chubby, a trace of her love A journey to the core of her heart, From them, a shining glow of all the goodness poures into her soul, Her melanin resembles how true and original her joy flashes through her cheeks, They tell a story of a long lost love found within her, Scarlet smiles in between sips of life, Delightful side represents the light in her heart, It is in the circles that form on her forehead, the freckles of love in her heart that shines the brightest, Words of affirmation Words of love Words of encouragement Fuel to her fire, it's all in the lines that form on her Cheeks!

4 Things That You Should Trash In The Next 21 Days!

The ultimate excuse has always been  I don't have time . Whether it's time to spend with your loved ones, time to pursue your dreams, time to process things and put them into perspective. Time to explore and take risks. Well! You have plenty of time now! Depressing it may seem but this #21DaysLockDown is a blessing in disguise. That's depending on how you use it! Here are some toxic traits and situationships you should work yourself out of in the next 21 days: 'Secure the bag' Secure means fixed or fastened so as not to give away, become loose, or be lost. The whole point of having money to use, give and invest, right? Life is too short and money ain't gonna buy you more time. You are the bag you should invest in your talents,  learn new skills, ask for advice and find a mentor. That way you are equipped to have your money work for you than secure the little you have. Cultivate the zeal to grow and break out of your comfort zones. Stop looking f