Ever Felt So Comfortable, You Feel Entitled To Things You Once Honored!?

In Her Thoughts: Ever Felt So Comfortable, You Feel Entitled To Things You Once Honored!?

It’s been hard quarantining but one or two podcasts a day keeps the ball rolling! It’s true what you spend more time with shapes you. Exhibit one, this article. Hang around a little bit more and you will agree or not but it has to be said either way. Have you ever been so comfortable in a situation, workplace, relationship, or in life generally, that it quickly turns from honoring that blessing to full blown entitlement?

Yes! Today I’m coming to your house. Somehow, we lose the spirit we had at the beginning, where we felt grateful for the job, honored to have friends who listen, or when you found love. And we end up having an insatiable hunger, an ‘I should have’ mentality which is often linked with little to no commitment at all.

Why do I say so? Commitment shows in what you do (your actions). For instance, when the #Lockdown started I would wake up early, get my chores down, exercise, bath, and get on with work in time. But two weeks in, it went from waking up early to I will just do that later. I got so comfortable with the situation I forgot it was the most awaited time l needed to get work done and I turned it into a well-deserved right to rest. 

Getting things doesn’t matter, growth, and progress matters. The next question is ‘what are you doing to nurture what you have?’ Are you still giving your 100 or you just living to survive the day? We really need to start taking everything as a Chance For Growth, until you are fully committed you will never know what you could be. Our problem is we divide our commitment to a dozen of things, with a half foot in half a foot out mentality.

You never give yourself the chance to fully live, you never fully engage, never fully invested in anybody, all you want is to get something you are willing to give. But, I dare you to throw your whole self at something. No second-guessing just committing to plan A. If plan A gets your all, there's no need for Plan B. Only if we Honored our present because usually our next is connected to how we honor our now. In my favorite pastor’s words “Leave with honor in every situation.”

So how can you honor your present?

  • Embrace the season you are in: Live up to where you are! Don’t get too comfortable and forget that it’s not your destination but just a path leading you to where you want to go. It’s not your reality, but just your current situation.

  • Stop doing things you don’t care about: Don’t just accept a job, jump into a relationship, or make a decision just because you should. Stop over-committing your mental space, rather channel it to things that link with your passion and purpose.

  • Don’t overreact: Your life is a manifestation of your words. Don’t speak out of anger, desperation, or from a place of insecurity. You simply transfer value to something that was never significant. God gave us the power to command with words, stop making things a bigger deal than they are really.

  • Choose carefull what to connect to: It all comes down to what are you willing to suffer for. What do you easily do without complaining? The purpose is associated with pain and suffering; your commitment determines what you willing sacrifice to attain your dream. If you know what matters then you know where to plug in yourself, be it networks, environments, or situations.

  • Narrow down your choices: Commitment is the word! If you put your all in Plan A, Plan B is not necessary. Naturally, we are beings who like experimenting. We constantly think about what we didn’t do or didn’t get to experience but missing the mark. But, what if we exerted all that stuttered commitment and channel it to one thing. Imagine the progress!

“I thought to myself I would hate to live and die, and never know what will happen if I commit.”


  1. This is profound. And congratulations on the Best Creative Blogger of year award on the Zimblog Awards

    1. Thank you Chris for everything, the support and voting. It wouldn't have happened without you guys🌻💙

  2. It hit home. This piece is amazing. Keep serving.

  3. Love the simplicity of the advice you've offered. I've narrowed how to connect and what focused on what is important. Our blog is starting to publish better work with a greater proficiency bu focusing this way.

    1. I'm glad it helped and all the best on your blog. Please share your link.

  4. A well written Stream Of Consciousness .

    Good work.

    Congratulations on the Award!

  5. Awee what a lovely post! I think that it is important to be thankful and embrace our present. Love this! Thanks for this.

    1. You are welcome 💙🌻 Thank you for the support, it's important to be grateful and embrace the present.


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