Maybe It’s Just Anxiety Of Uncertainty Not Covid-19

In Her Thoughts: Maybe It’s Just Anxiety Of Uncertainty Not Covid-19

We're currently living through what seems to feel like the "new normal" and uncertainty is all around us. It’s a crippling feeling not to have some control over what’s happening around you. With this outrageous pandemic upon us, the least you would want is SECURITY but life novels a different story. Not knowing what to do, not knowing what’s going to happen, not knowing how you going to pay rent, not knowing if you are going to have a job when this blows over, not knowing what people are thinking, planning or feeling; these situations are ripe to breed anxiety. Because it’s often, not-knowing that’s the worst.

Crowded with fear and worry, anxiety causes our body to over-respond with defense mechanisms as the body feels like it’s under threat.  Anxiety is explained as an intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear about everyday situations. Amidst everything that’s going on, it’s very easy to be overwhelmed with anxiety. From not knowing what outcome the #LockDown will bring, whether 21 days is enough or potentially it will be extended, work stress from those working from home, taking care of loved ones, disappointing emails, medical bills piling up and the endless list of life worries. When will you get time to be in yourself and take care of your mental health!?

Maybe it’s just anxiety, not COVID-19!

The symptoms are more or less the same.  Anxiety can have similar to early or mild cases of COVID-19, including shortness of breath, fatigue, digestive issues, and headache. The first week of the lockdown was literally just living obliviously, the second week is now weighing down on the thousand questions. At one point or the other, I thought I had the symptoms (maybe deep down you know you did too) but clearly, it turned out to be anxiety. And being alone doesn't help, the four walls seem like they are closing in sometimes. So I came up with this: 

In Her Thoughts: Maybe It’s Just Anxiety Of Uncertainty Not Covid-19

Okay I know it's anxiety, what's next!?

  • Check up on yourself, it doesn’t hurt once in a while to check in with yourself. Evaluate your feelings, thoughts, and patterns. Are you able to slow think? Are you breathing down? And are you sleeping and concentrating well?

  • When you have found these traits in your patterns, shift your focus to something else. Imagine yourself out of the situation, out of your fears and problems. I’m not promoting being delusional, get me right. Sometimes looking from afar and taking yourself out of a situation gives you a better and different perspective of things.

  • Ground yourself in the present moments. "Think of the best, only for the best and expect only the best." What do I mean by this? Focus on what you can see, hear, smell, taste, feel or change. It brings your mind back to a calming space. If you can’t change something, no matter how much you worry about it, it will remain unchanged.

  • Change daily habits. Do more! If it’s exercising, taking a break from the Social Media madness or News, spend time in open spaces within your yard or stay in touch with loved ones. Do it! It will keep sane when the world is constantly throwing crazy at you.

In Her Thoughts: Maybe It’s Just Anxiety Of Uncertainty Not Covid-19

It can really feel unfair when you're in the depth of yourself, it sometimes feels like it has wasted so much of your energy and time but give yourself a little boost and positivity. I have embarked on a 21 work-out with my sister and I'm writing more than I usually do, so far it has been working magically. You can do it too! Find your light and let's kick anxiety off our turf.


  1. These are great tips! I absolutely agree, I’ve had this feeling in my chest, like a pressure since lockdown, and it’s anxiousness.

    Take care,

    Em x

  2. Awesome post! I’ve been finding that listening to music and being creative has helped a great deal. Thank you.

    1. That's good we got to find what we love to get us through this🌻Stay safe. Sending love and light your way.


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