Behind Every Successful Man There's A Lot Of Unsuccessful Years!

In Her Thoughts: Behind Every Successful Man There's A Lot Of Unsuccessful Years

Easy come, easy go is a cliché that I grew up more familiar with. I wasn’t in a position to understand what that phrase meant in the real world until experience taught me the hard way and left me with a testimony. It’s funny how quick we lose some of the things we get so easily in life. I took some time to think about what could possibly be the password to success and did my research on some of the multi-millionaires aroud the world and it turned out that hard work and resilience were written all over their faces. 

I reflected on how we get to complain when life demands us to work hard, we complain too much forgetting that attitude at the beginning has a positive effect on the results at the end. We fancy aptitude the most but it is a fact that attitude surpasses aptitude. This brought me to a better understanding that hard times are significant in our lives, and it is quite critical for one to determine the most appropriate way to address the time and that should never be disparity but vigilance, being more of a fluid thinker with a flexible approach and blending it in with some sort of hard work and focus to help you pull through. 

As you work hard don’t be rigid, gain positive knowledge from influential individuals so that you become smart. Smart people are not lazy but they do really work hard and whenever they are required to use their skills to make things easier they deliver. 

Would you agree with me if I’m to say that if you work towards achieving something in a way, you are massaging your ego as of when you are to achieve that thing? Food for thought. You can never cheat in an exam and be happy about your results, you might perhaps manage to pretend but shortly after, the inner man will gently remind you with a soft voice, “you know what you did in the exam.” 

There is no short cut to success and it’s a truism that successive dignity is preserved by hard work. Let us all feel challenged to make hard work a deeply embedded culture throughout our lives. The physics is simple, there has to be an input for an output to exist (that’s good music to my ears). Few words are many for the wise, see you at the top!!


  1. Luv the words, wish everyone could read them and understand. And I agree with you, achieving something, even the little steps, is uplifting and definitely massages the ego cause you feel better about yourself, it's a pat on the back.

    1. Yeah true that's the hope that it helps everyone.🌻

  2. I totally agree! "There has to be input or an output to exist!" -- Even in this sometimes, I have to pull back and reorganize the input sometimes because I get distracted and lose sight of the long term goal. Just last night I was revisiting my goals for my blog and my career. Call it a quarterly review. It's especially necessary since some of my goals involved getting out and socializing more to create more content, now I need to shift gears. Thanks for these encouraging words in this post!

    1. I'm glad it helped and i salute you for always going back to the drawing board to see if everything is aligning with the your vision. It's very very important.

  3. Interesting and insightful post! Success definitely takes lots of hard work, I'm definitely one for planning and setting both short and long-term goals. As long as we keep moving, we'll get there eventually.

    Take care and stay safe,
    Sophie | Love and Literature


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