#RapeCultureMustFall: Know Her Worth

Nobody knows the dreams, 
The hopes she had for her future
Whether she wanted to travel the world or
Become the next Maya Angelou
Whether she wanted to change lives, 
Save lives or even live a simple life

Nobody knows the plans,
At 18 her notepad should have been full of plans
Maybe a 10 page long to do list at her disposal
From cleaning  her room to simple errands 
It was her choice to tick each at her own pace

But now all the images painted in her memory are filled with pain and agony. All they know is she went to the post office and didn't get out alive. All they know now is man are trash. All they know is the beast has been doing it for years.

But nobody knows the pain,
Of her pinned on the same exact spot
Minutes that felt like eternity
HER clinging to her sanity
Holding back panicked breaths.

Nobody knows the final thoughts
That ran through her mind
Undressed, with a beast logged in her deepest depths 
Trembling at the sounds of his pants
A lubbaly  that put her to sleep

Nobody knows what happened,
But images of our imagination  haunts us
Of her bound in chains, trapped in misery 
Images of the tag of war with the beast
With the sound of her frozen voice shattering
The images that choke us with disgust
Consuming fear. Anger boiling

But really nobody knows,
All we know now is
Look left, Look right, It is not safe
A life of constantly looking over your shoulder
A life of questioning everything and everyone:

Is it safe to walk alone?

Am I covered enough not to be harrassed?

Can I really trust every man close to me?

But really nobody knows...


  1. This is deep, its about time men know they wont shut us up!!!

  2. So well written and so raw. Well done!

  3. Powerfully written — and definitely time for rape culture to fall.

    1. Thank you Molly. And yes we need to make the world safe, to coexist without always looking over our shoulders.

  4. Yes! A thousand times yes! This was an awesome read!

  5. I could picture a girl listening to Taylor Swift _The Man. I dream of the day women will not be vulnerable

    1. Now I gots to listen to this song. That's what we are fighting for, not to live in constant fear.💔

  6. Powerful message Reenie!


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