Nothing Grows In Comfort Zones...

In Her Thoughts: Nothing Grows In Comfort Zones...

Rejection is the most painful feeling a person can ever experience. The thought of there being a slight chance that you weren’t good enough or couldn’t cut it is awful. It makes one question a lot of things. Where did I go wrong? Did I try too hard? What was the deal breaker that ruled me out? All you are left with are unanswered questions that weigh down your self-worth and potential. The most painful question is whether you will ever be good enough? The rejection that comes with reasons is more soothing and bearable. The worst is when you are told that you didn’t make it without any explanation on where you fell short, whether it was bad communication skills, personal inadequacy or intellectual short fail.

In our daily life rejection comes unnoticed, it is a thing no one is prepared for. The words, “sorry you didn’t make it”, “our sincere apologies” or any other phrases they use to romanticize the rejection never gets old. It humbles you, even grown men or intellectuals’ faces slowly change, clouded with despair at the utter of rejection. I know its old news but this experience only prepares us for our greatness. An idiom I like says, a little bit of pain is fun. At first, I didn’t understand how pain can be fun, but with age came wisdom, there is nothing that is worth having that doesn’t come paired with pain and hard work. Rejection is a cue for you to go back to the drawing board and regroup.

With life comes rejection, sometimes it’s necessary to build and give you a picture of what you deserve. By looking at where the problem is, you have room for self-improvement. However, rejection doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. Positioning or timing might be off, which alarms you to follow your bliss and purpose. Timing is everything. Life does not come with a manual written that if you do this then there will be a certain outcome. It is not like a one plus one equals two equation. Just when you think you have it all figured out, a little bit of complication comes your way whether you planned it or not. It can be losing a job, a lover or a power cut when your favorite team is playing. Take life as it comes and accept that things may not go according to plan.

Remember that time when you wrote resolutions and wondered why the year ended with some not yet accomplished. That is life, it comes with unseen circumstances and takes you a few steps back. When life hits rock bottom, know it is okay not to be okay.  Dust yourself up and take a chance at life again. Assent what life brings, the struggles, heartbreaks, aches, endings, and losses. Be carefree and do not waste time trying to control your grumpy neighbor's attitude, your boss’s decisions or lover’s heart. Instead, use your energy to get yourself closer to your purpose and build towards your goals. Revamping to a better version of yourself is worth your time than fighting battles you can’t win. They will only leave you drained, weary and defenseless.

When building any type of building, builders start from the foundation, one brick at a time going up. Same applies with life, trust the process and appreciate where you are at the moment. Be grateful and learn to celebrate what you have been blessed with. Keep yourself motivated and your eyes on the prize – everyone has a different path, be your own competition and constantly challenge yourself. Life is a learning curve, embrace the good and the bad. 

When night falls, morning rises…


  1. Way to start the year .

  2. old news but ever new!! first time i felt your heart in words. A MUST READ over and over

    1. Thank you Tinashe, getting better by each article.

  3. Your articles flowing like the River in heavy rains. I'm having a hard time keeping up,

    1. Thank you, I will be posting on Friday's only so you get more time to cat h up.

  4. What a nice article this was, I really enjoyed reading.


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