Be Selfish, Devote This Year To Loving Yourself…

Image from Pinterest

2018 came and went… The question that remains what did you do for yourself? Whether it is personal advancement or just appreciating yourself. 

Do this practice with me...

Close your eyes and reminisce about 2018. What were you doing? Did it have your best interests at heart? Not to please the next person or align with your family or society’s expectations. 

I say, rather focus on you - the person in the mirror.

Did you go for that skinny dipping on your bucket list or cut off toxic people without worrying about what they would say? Kudos to you if you did, however, if you are on the other side. Well! Don’t despair, take this year and activate your selfish mood. Yess being selfish is okay for your own mental health and inner peace.

You have to love yourself more. It is from the tenants of self-love that influence your choices, how you carry yourself and handle life problems. Grow a state of appreciation to nurture your physical, psychological and spiritual growth.

Stay woke and conscious of yourself. Embrace and stay in touch with what you think, feel and need. Know yourself, what you stand for and act upon that knowledge rather than following the crowd.

The next step to self-love journey is replacing want with need. Focus on what you need which makes you stronger and move forward in life. Don’t stick on something that temporarily makes you feel good and excited,  rather work towards what you really need.

Remember to nourish yourself with self-care. Start from staying healthy, fit, have healthy social interactions and thoughts. Protect yourself and heart desires, bring the productive and right people into your life.


  1. True often at times we worry about pleasing others while sacrificing our own happiness, we tend to focus on what other people would say if we do this or that but forget that our own happiness is a priority. Happiness starts from with so sometimes you have to choose you be miserable. Great Read


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