
We all have inner battles, moments of self-doubt, insecurity and discouragement. Moments when you feel like there is no reason to go on with your life. Many people suffer in silence, not because they want to but no one bothers to extend words or give their shoulder for them to lean on. It would seem that it’s hard for some people to give words of empowerment, encouragement or just listening. We live in a world where people concern themselves with their own well-being, as long they are doing well nothing else matters. The world is now marred with suicides, domestic violence, depression and murders.

What are we doing as a people, family or community to make life better for others? Can you recall the last time somebody was kind to you or vice versa? Look within your heart and notice the feelings there. If you cannot help someone at least be considerate enough to lend an ear or give them a word of encouragement. That simple gesture can make someone’s life a whole lot better, It may not seem to be much but it will make them feel better.

Do not judge people by their wealth, physic or quietness and think they have life all figured out. They may seem great on the surface but deep down, like deep down, we are all vulnerable. Find time to check on your friends, family and even strangers. Words left unsaid can be hurtful, learn to appreciate and affirm the people around you. Those few words can go a long way, more than you know. Words carry enormous weight, more than we imagine. Words alone can change a life, Words alone can change the outcome, Words alone can keep a whole lot of darkness at bay.

Think about that time you did well but nobody noticed or appreciated you. As human beings we strive from words of encouragement and affirmation. As much as we may tell ourselves we can live on our own and be able to celebrate our strength, we still need that second voice of reason to keep us in track. “No man is an island.” Words build and also break. “The right word spoken at the right time can make all difference in building people up. Choose your words wisely!!!” Do not be a know-it-all, utter words that will encourage than focusing on making a point.

Did you know smiling is contagious? Every day we meet people who are going through hard times. A small gesture can provide courage to press on and never give up. We all have the power, harness the power of the tongue and kindness. That creative power costs nothing but means the world to the next person you extend it to. Live a happy life, while in process improve your relationships and connections. In the words of Desmond Tutu, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”


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