Best Practices That Can Drive You To What You Deserve...

Set Standards, Not Everything Is For You!
📷 Eye for Ebony

We live in a world where people preach appreciate what you have gospel! Little attention is paid to whether it is really worth your while. Is it appreciating or its slowly becoming settling? Let's say you have your 8 to 5 job, every month end you have to nag your boss to pay your salary in full. In such a scenario is it wise to appreciate that at least you have a job? Many times you complain but do not do anything. Grumbling about injustice doesn't make things just and the ensuing hostility doesn't help us effectively address things that need fixing. In the words of Mary Engelbreit, " If you don't like something, change it. If you can change it, change the way you think about it." Staying your mind rooted in unfairness will not change it, rather it cripples your ability to explore your potential.

Whether it is a job, relationship, business idea do not be idle. If is it not working for you, explore and seek better. The little things that we ignore in the name of  'others don't have it like I do' matter. Do not get too comfortable because of its familiarity. Yeah, I get we need to be grateful. But should one end there? Is it bad to strive for more and better opportunities? Call me forward or whatever! But as long as I live, I will never stop seeking opportunities that grow me as a person. So if a partnership, job or relationship isn't doing that I walk away with no regret whatsoever. As long there is no security that I have something forever, my journey for better never ceases.

So I come to you saying never get comfortable, zero things in life are guaranteed. Set standards, know when to walk and don't settle. Explore, learn new skills, meet new people and never stop working on the man in the mirror. As long you are working on someone's dream and not pursuing yours you stay in the same place. I know we have to start somewhere but once equipped seek more and work on your dreams. Drive yourself to be better, reach a place where your work speaks for you. Reflect what you have done in the past 5 years. Is there anything different? Or it is the same routine, clock in at work at 8 and clock out at 5. Coach Jackie quotes that, "Close some doors. Not because of pride, incapacity or ignorance, but simply because they no longer lead somewhere."

Remember not every opportunity that comes is meant for you. Take your time, research whether it is about how a company treats their employees or reputation in general. Such information helps in making an informed decision and avoid situations. A friend of mine was employed by a company (name withheld), without much information on it he jumped on the opportunity. Month in at the company he learned that there was no professionalism, had trouble getting his pay in full and organization culture left one unpleased. What I'm trying to say is that don't just jump at each and every opportunity that comes with little or no information. Set a standard, it will determine how you will be treated.


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