#Signs It Is Time For You To Be Courageous & Take What You Want

#Signs It Is Time For You To Be Courageous & Take What You Want
📷 Jonathan Daniels

"You can get in life what you have courage to ask for " - Oprah Winfrey

When it comes to life don’t be humble and meek, take on whatever life gives you. There is a better way to take on life, that is, to be specific about what you want. As our Shona idiom goes, “Mwana asinga cheme anofira mumbereko” which simply translates to, “You only get what you have the courage to ask for.” It is the only en route to success and getting what you want. It costs zero dollars to take charge of your life, be assertive – combine your confidence with control. Trust me it is like a magnet to get attention, a step forward to getting what you want. Growing up I was a reserved and quiet person. Never asked for anything or complained. It was rooted in me and my way of life. Up until I realized that if I don’t ask for much I won’t get much. Your soul and mind will give precisely what you unconsciously tell it, nothing more or nothing less.

Being a considerate sounds divine, doesn’t it? But come on!!! What could possibly be wrong with wanting to make people around you feel mushy inside? Looking for a sense of worth in the approval of others never works. It is simply a dark walk path filled with lifeless dark clouds and a hazy glimpse of lights. Be bold to ask for what you want. Before you ask for what you want, be clear and specific of what you want. Whether you know it or not, we often avoid making changes because we're afraid of asking for what we want. I know it sounds familiar, right? Fear is a natural part of every human being. Move forward anyway, stop bending over for other people rather nurture a relationship with yourself. 

"The fountain of content must spring up in the mind, and he who hath so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition, will waste his life in fruitiness efforts and multiply the grief he proposes to remove." - Samuel Johnson

 Simple ways you can adopt. Ready, Set and Go...

Why weigh yourself down, life is too short...
Are the type of person who looks at an opportunity and goes ahead to suggest someone else instead of yourself? Listen to me carefully, stop thinking that others are any different. If your mindset programs you as inferior to others you preparing yourself for failure. If people are doing things differently, research, learn and do the same standard. Empower your thoughts, think.

Babying your way out of situations should stop!
Time doesn't wait for those who complain and doesn't take responsibility. Be honest to yourself and be comfortable with things you change. Circumstances and people must never have power over you unless you deliver it to them on a silver platter. Come out of your shell and take charge of life.

Tie your shoelaces, let's do this!
Take action, don't be idle. Work towards what you want in your life. Not only take action but also plan, immature ideas lead to premature deaths. Plan, research, learn and pursue. Have discipline, think it through. That way you conquer and take on anything you put your mind to.



  1. Replies
    1. I'm humbled by that, I'm glad the article could help.

  2. Keep it up.Love the article.

  3. Truly inspiring...we often try to put ourselves before others an act of selflessness but we forfeit our happiness in the process. But sometimes its okay to be selfish to put your interests first and take a chance at life. Thanks for the inspiration to know that sometimes we have to put ourselves first inorder to succeed

    1. Yeah, it is necessary to after what you want. Otherwise you will stay in one place.


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