This Is "My" Story

This is "My" Story
📷 Samantha Qeja

I bleed,
A subliminal feeling, burying me in the depths of sorrow
Crying out for help, but all it is noise
They tell me to say what I feel but that's all there is
Why don't you ever open up...? When I do I get crucified for it
You are not ambitious, You are careless, You are no good
Me opening up becomes their weapon to further shoot me down
The bad lingers as the good slowly become reference of what I could be
A good deed is accompanied by a but...
Only if you did it like this or this way, it could have been better
Wait! What about what I want?
All I am, a portrait of people's ambitions and opinions
Molded in what they think is good for me
Do you even know me? A shadow of what you purport me to be

I bleed, 
Because no one understands my story
Hold up... Understanding means they know at least something
Have a tiny glimpse, but I don't think they even know me
Okay, here is my story... I lost my father at a tender age
But I ask myself how can you lose what you never knew
The void that He left, left more questions than answers
What if He was here then it could not have been like this...
But a tiny voice breathe into my ear, 
Child, how can you view the world on what you know not
Never will I know the feeling of having a father,
So I search for it in other people's son 
But, what exactly am I looking for? I really don't know
Because the depths of my memories don't have anyone to compare to

I bleed, 
Watching my mother struggle raising me left a scar in my heart
Having to take what life throws at you without complaining
Complaining was a luxury, an option I never had
Life grinned, roaring its supremacy as if to laugh at our pain
Reduced to a life's emotional hoe, Yes, I said it...
Sucking it in,  infused in my bloodstream
It made me guided, emotionless and an introvert.
The burden that life gifted me and tattooed, for people to extend their spite
But was it my fault?
Nobody care to ask or listen

I bleed,
Because it is not about how many times I vent but what I'm going to do about it 
To get command of my mind, to choose to take in things that are in my best interest
To make or break myself
End my story or open a new fresh page and write it in my own words
Words that have become my sanctuary, my solace, my therapy sessions 
That is a journey I have embarked on, a thousand miles ahead of me
But, Oh Yess I'm getting there


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