Why Asking Questions In Life Is The Only Skill You Really Need

In Her Thoughts: Why Asking Questions In Life Is The Only Skill You Really Need

Who, when, why, what now!? (Chuckles), hold it. Have you ever discovered that if you think things through, life is a series of comprehensive questions? They either guide us somewhere or give us the power of knowledge. It takes me back two decades ago when I was born, the first thing my grandmother asked when I brought into this world was, is it a boy or a girl?

Looking back, the series of questions guided my every step. I remember in kindergarten the first question the teacher asked me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It brought a lot of perspective to things as I gradually started to paint a portrait of how questions bring meaning to life.

When human beings are at their remarkable level of sanity, before they solely make a decision there is always that inner voice with a long list of questions. The classic ones are always, the why, the when and the what? It takes the skill of understanding, planning and also a vision to be able to give reasons to support actions. 

You must be wondering, what is this guy on about? Here is the thing, questions give answers that make you gain knowledge. Students learn by asking questions, right? That also applies to life, you learn about yourself, people and everything else by asking questions. As the saying goes, knowledge is power. It takes questions to steer the direction, and if you haven't questioned everything you do, you need to start doing that.

You can do the following exercise with me, I assure you it will bring clarity about a lot of things.

Question:                                                                                                    Your Answer:

  1. Who you are?
  2. Where you come from?
  3. What do you want to be in life?
  4. What are your values?
  5. What impact are you making in other people's lives?

I wasn't born wise or right but penning these words and asking questions that need to be asked will bring a change in your life. I rest my case, let the session begin!


  1. And even when a person dies pple continue asking why he or she died......Ques

    1. Life is a series of questions indeed. Thet shape us.

  2. Life is always a question....nice article bro....thumbs up✌️


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