If i say i don't miss you i would be lying

If i say i don't miss you i would be lying

If i say i don't miss you i would be lying

I hear your voice in a crowd calling for me

Sometimes i think you are lost waiting to be found

With open arms stretched out to give you a warm embrace

Truly when a prodigal son returns, a father rejoices

So will I...

For that little time you have been anchored into my soul

It's unfortunate God had other plans, and you had none

Only if you acted more than you talked

Maybe you would be right here with me

I do miss you, the way you knew when something was wrong

Or the acts of service

I swear that was your love language

And i loved it too

I miss the goofiness and the way i laughed with no restraint nor shame

I loved how i was when i was around you

I'm grateful you made me experience this one of kind of love

Somewhat close to normal from this world filled with greed and competition to show each other who cares less

So if say i don't miss you i would be lying to myself


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