Is it because i'm a black woman?

Because i'm a black woman. The color of my skin is my curse, I carry it like a burden, A reason to be slut shamed in the streets, Or a man feeling entitled to this black body, A symbol of a price to be won. We traded hurt words and white supremacy curiosity, To be violated by our own, flesh and blood, The same, the same (sigh) blood cruises in our veins, Yet GBV is still on the rise, Young girls are being raped, sold to be a sex symbol for old arrogant dudes, old enough to be their fathers, It is a curse we carry, the melanin pigment that shines bright, We should be celebrating it, yet we lie low, Hide our daughters, h ere they come, Pain has become our birthright, bitter they call us but what do they expect, Every action has a reaction, Sorry if we offend you but we are just being defensive to protect ourselves from this cold cold world.