Just Keep Showing Up For Yourself !!!

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Sifting through the thousand words, known and unknown
Falling deep, drawn in – seduced by the beauty of life
A prolonged and repeated reality, product of what you create
Nurture good thoughts to awaken greatness from within
Conform not to standards, set your own…
Live beyond the limitations – remain trusting even the unseen

Appreciate the man in the mirror and be thankful
Believe in yourself, if you win in your mind 
You can conquer everything. It is your greatest weapon
Keep a winner’s attitude in your mind, through it 
And your attitude you will rise and access doors beyond
Pay attention to what gets you to your destination

Walk in wisdom, think and make calculated moves
Prepare for what you dream of, mimic what you want to be
While you learn, assume the role like it’s already yours
You are extraordinary in your ordinary
Push yourself and you will be unconquerable

When you fall in the face of failure and rejection
Amid the crisis of your life’s peak – push yourself
Sit upright with hope and be bold as a hawk
Try, try and try again – legends live inside of you
Once you are able to stand on your feet 
The tail of failed attempts will be dying echoes in your head


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