Dear Mama

In the same birthday spirit, some words for Ma

Some stories are harder to tell than most and it's not for a lack of trying or for a lack of words

Some emotions are nearly impossible to express no matter the time you have

This is one of those difficult stories that comes with those difficult to express emotions

I have little memory of when our journey together began

But I'm sure you know about every moment

Where I am in life is a testament of how everything began

How love was freely given and I had a superhero watching over me

So we're here on this day you came into the world

I like to believe it was already written that you'd have me

I should say you'd have us because I'm lucky enough to not be the only one to come from you

A part of you out there in the world
Today you celebrate 48

They say life begins at 40 so you've been living for 8 years

I'm praying for centuries more come

I'm praying you live forever

I hope I can somehow repay the love you've given me

With love from your daughter.


  1. More life to her
    Blessings on blessings
    We appreciate her without her we wouldn't be reading Munae' insightful blogs.


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