Live To Love How You Live!

“I want to be famous, loved and rich!”

Sounds dreamy right? That ultimate goal we peg for ourselves thinking only if we achieve this we will happy or let alone feel good about ourselves. The game we play most of the time trading what we love with what we think will make us happy, respected and recognized. Is it a burden hunched on our backs by societal expectations or a facade to compensate for our insecurities? Well, I believe it starts from an early stage where it was engraved in our hearts with an hot iron that, “education is the key to success” and what to look forward to is a job. A well-articulated plan with a step by step guide... it is school, school and some more school which by the way teaches you to stay within the confinements of formulas, theories and fixed sitting arrangements. For what reason? That is another mystery I intend to uncover. Anyway after the series of tests to regurgitate what you know, the next huge step is getting a job. The ultimate last piece to the puzzle. I don’t have statistics but I’m sure more than 50 % are not happy with their jobs. Not because they don’t get enough money but because they were so caught up in the bull race to get a JOB that they didn’t get time to enjoy life. They expected a fulfillment of some sort only to be met with an annoying boss, or frustrating monotonous relay of the same events or tasks which are no way linked to the Pythagoras theorem or the balance sheet.

It is all a scam!

I have to admit on my part, my new year resolutions growing up were usually getting good grades and to find a high paying job. Sad right, all my 23 years wasted chasing a fulfillment in the system rather than living each moment. Get me right I’m not saying it is all bad, but, making it your holy grail and seeing work as an element to achieve life balance is wrong. I’m sure people have jaws dropped saying the 'do you know how hard jobs are to find girl!' Hear me out, there is more to life. Such a cliché phrase, which has probably been over used. But what I’m simply saying is don’t miss what is important whilst chasing sun rays that varnish at night. There is no option to redo life, so it is best to use your time wisely. Build on you and your happiness, find the thing you love or bring the love to what you do. 

Life is simple. I have devised my own formula for life which is Happiness=Creativity=Making money=Living longer. Think beyond just getting good grades, getting a job or getting married, rather start working on establishing a legacy. At the end of the day everybody dies but ask yourself how many people actually live. Perfection doesn’t exist, doing things according to the books doesn't guarantee you happiness. Be you. Be real. Be happy. Make mistakes, learn and move on. The pursuit of perfection is the death of many great minds. Quit following systems, society expectations and opinions.

Fear of people’s opinions or the subjects or combination that were chosen for me  at school are my biggest regrets in life. It has taught me to give myself first, otherwise I would have no clue to give away to others. So if you love dancing, join a dance class or rather start your own. The whole essence is to live the way you love so that you can love the way you live. Question every decision you make if it makes you happy. Do not just accept a job just for the sake of having one, otherwise every day will feel like a Monday for the rest of your working days. Don’t suffer weekdays so much that you look forward to weekends. If you follow ambition blindly it is going to be your personal gold coated cuffs. Romanticized and bedazzled by extra zeros of fancy work place but crippling your potential, creativity and happiness. 

At the end of the day, our life is judged on these three basic things;

     How well we lived                                          

                 How well we love
                                           How well we learned and let go

Fortune favors the bold, don’t let those golden cuffs confine you to believing that’s all there is to life. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Money often costs too much.” There is always a price to pay. Don’t let your happiness be the price!

Until we chat again...


  1. Thx chommie this got me thinking about my life. Motivated

  2. Very motivating and inspiring. We need to learn to be happy with what we have and, if we want to strive for more, do so within reason.

    1. We usually get it wrong when we keep wanting more instead of enjoying what we have already.

  3. I enjoyed the read so much that I kept scrolling for some more till I noticed I had already reached the comments section lol

    1. Thank you for the feedback, you all have boosted my mantra😊😊

  4. Great advice. I especially enjoyed the line, "Fortune favors the bold, don’t let those golden cuffs confine you to believing that’s all there is to life. " Too often I've felt like I'm wearing golden cuffs.

  5. I'm a striver...but more and more I'm convinced that it's true that happiness comes from acceptance of where we are right now. I second Scott's comment liking the line about the "golden cuffs." Money can help get you where you want, and a good job can be a blessing. -- but if your career is becoming something that you dread doing, the good pay can be a chain that makes you hesitate from making a move toward something that might suit you more.

    1. Yeah true, I like that you are a striver it is a good trait.

  6. Loved your piece. Its very very catchty

  7. Great post! There's lots of pre-defined milestones that we seem urged to work towards in society but I think the main things are to go out and enjoy your life, rather than focusing on things that may not make you happy in the end. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Shuu, this is really something, its not always easy to find a space where you're getting the cheque and doing something you actually like to get it but I am inspired to do better and consider my happiness in these things.
    Thank you for this!


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