Yes,You're A Proud African… What’s Next?

I have heard the tale of colonization over and over again. In different words. Different angles. But just the same storyline from different voices. But yes, they colonized us... what’s next? Yes, the education system is westernized, but what’s next? Yes, they gave us the bible, but are the papa’s and fake prophets spouting today their fault too? Trust me when I did history, I was hot mad that they made our forefather Lobengula believe a whole nation was worth a packet of sugar. Yes, I got mad that they didn't only rule over the land but also programmed how we are ought to think. Okay, now that is over and done with. Does that make me African enough?

Ranting is now being equated to your Africanness. But for how long will we sing this song of what they robbed us? How long will we dwell on the past and not see the bigger picture? After all this,  what’s the way forward? By now you should be thinking why she always asks questions? Well, the question should be why shouldn’t she ask the questions. I need knowledge! I’m led by the, “don’t tell me problems, tell me what I can do to solve them” mantra. You see where I’m going?

No? Okay, lemme explain. Let’s say you stay with your parents. You hypothetically earn 5k per month, yes you manage to buy yourself some nice Airmax, buy some groceries for your parents and live the best of your life. Yes, you are fulfilling your African obligations but what's next? Just paying your bills and contributing financially doesn’t make you an adult. It's funny how on tabloids people equate the basic things human beings should be able to do as “adulting”.

What I’m saying is after getting a check with a few zeros you trade for your time, what is your long term plan? After you got a raise, you get the car you always wanted and wear nice clothes, what’s next?  Yes, you are holding it down as a proud African, staying in your country and all we tell ourselves to make the situation better. What’s next?

Let me take you on a real trip with concrete living consequences of lack of 'thinking ahead'. Free thinking is an epidemic that is yet to hit Africa for it to be felt and taken with wisdom. But then again how can you have wisdom if you are not a free thinker? Okay, go into what you call your CBD, look left and right… What has changed? On a scale from 0 to 100, it's just an old building hanging on dilapidated scraps to stay standing. Don’t go yet I’m trying to make a point. Okay, whites are bad we have all established that in many texts but look at it what have we done as African children? It’s all tales of what they did, what they robbed us but really the hard question is what’s next?

How many businesses have been run down? We judge ourselves according to backgrounds, who you know and how eloquent they are. Corruption is high. One in ten people you meet is an opportunist, escapist or an excessive Afro-optimist. Excessive Afro-optimist simply means a state of absolute convictions that a bright future lies ahead for the African continent and that we (the sons and daughters of the continent) will be the crafters of such a future. Great idea, right!? We deserve a tap in the back. But we are all talkers, no action. When it comes to debating about African history trust me you will never against us (Proud Africans). We heighten even the simplest things. Our actions have culminated to reverse racism, ageism, escapism and excessive, sometimes unnecessary Afro-optimism.

I'm not attacking anyone but I want to shed light on the importance of action. Your words are screaming over your actions, my brothers and sisters. The problem comes when we fold our hands and drown in ignorance to think everything will work itself out. Yes, we got the land but what’s next? Yes, everything western thing is bad but how do you learn when you are not open to new possibilities. We have slowly become our own enemies fighting a battle that only leaves us bruised, tired and with an identity crisis. We believe we still have to fight, but we are free. Let's move on and build legacies rather than fighting ourselves into self-destruction.

I come to you saying it’s okay to learn and to acquire knowledge. Stop comparing and start learning what they are doing right. I’m not saying you have to bend your back over but for you to arrive, you have to start somewhere. And whilst at it, stop stepping on your brothers and sisters to get ahead, let’s still maintain Ubuntu. Shy away from greed. Be yourself. Be African in any way you want. But always have a plan. Let’s build legacies that will live to see decades after us. Let’s make an impact that is felt rather than trying excessively compensate for our inadequacy.


  1. The first stage is Acceptance (that we dont know a thing) second stage is to Read, Learn and get Wisdom

    1. Well said... Acceptance is lacking. And we will stay stuck in one place forever If we don't.


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