What The Corporate World Have Taught Me!

In Her Thoughts: What The Corporate World Have Taught Me

Going into the working environment is exciting and intriguing. The first time I was initiated into the club I had beaming hopes of how I was going to conquer the world. In my mind I thought what could really go wrong, it is just waking up and working right? But a thrilling horror awaited me, I realized that passing school, landing a job and being punctual to work was not going to cut it for me to last a day. Just like driving a car, the most dangerous thing to look out for is other drivers surrounding you. Meaning no matter how good of a driver you are, if you don't look out for those around you, you are good as dead.

The same applies to the corporate world, you have to face whatever that is thrown at you. From different toxic characters or workmates, being taken advantage of, own self-destruction or other unexpected challenges are thrown at you daily. Well, I have had my fair share and it's highly likely I will keep on having fist wars until I'm five foot under. As long as this ambitious heart of mine is still beating, challenges will stay in hot pursuit.

Here are some lessons the corporate world have taught me:

Don't stay at one place for too long

Once you are too comfortable not to plan for tomorrow it's red flags. News flash! It is not being organized but rather lazy to dare to something different. You are only stuck in a routine.

Always be hungry for more

Never let your mind be idle. Growth should be your adrenaline rush. Always go over your day. Ask yourself what you did right? What you didn't do? And what you can do to improve? We have 24 hours in a day and it's your responsibility for what you achieve in them.

Don't turn a workplace into a village

You know-how as a village people feel free to knock at your door for things like sugar or even small talk? Never, I say never adopt that attitude at work. Separate work and play! Once you bring a family approach to the corporate world your days are numbered. I'm not saying don't make friends but draw the line. Smile, be nice, connect but keep in my mind the of the business. Stay focused!

Don't let a job be your all

I'm not saying don't give your 100% but always have a plan. People get fired, there are always retrenchments and demotions. So job security can easily drop from a 5 to 0 real quick. Hustle your buns, have something that's yours. It is just a position once you take like that and do what you can without imposing ownership you will be fine.


In the corporate world connecting and networking is currency. No man is an island! This applies in business too, mind you, I said make a network, not a village. Meet and greet with people that add value to you as a person and professional. Growth is the keyword!

Never give people power over you

The corporate world is not for the weak or shy. Don't act like a new bride otherwise, people will walk over you. Stand your ground and never beg for a job. Your qualifications and skills got you there not people. Walk your walk and be blunt. Never compromise your values for the sake of fitting in.

Remember at the end of the day, when you go to bed, it is you and thoughts. Never do something or put yourself in a situation you won't feel good about when you leave the fancy office and authority at the workplace door. Listen to this, it will definitely hit the spot:


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