Black & White

In Her Thoughts: Black & White

There is one thing I fear, not seeing things for what they are.
I would rather see things plainly, picture souls rather than clothes.

Somethings look better in black & white.
Wait... No! Everything looks good in black & white.
Black and white shapes truth, like words, shape characters.
It paints dreams and real truth. Seeds of what is & what isn't.
Everything balanced. Same color. Same tone.
Where hate and racism are born blind.
Arrogance for the color of the skin is silenced.
Racism, Gender-based violence... has no place in black & white.
Picture in black and white, all distractions are removed.
It is a big contrast. Like how is it just dark.
And then extreme light. There's no in-between.
A mix of purity, integrity, and honor.
Salt and pepper of colors it balances the taste.


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