Never Thought It Could Be Me

I never thought it could be me;

My heart dropped, I couldn't breath

Everything froze, I could hear voices from a distance

I fell down five feet where only my thoughts -regrets and shame haunted me more than the thought it was me

I promised myself as a little girl, grow up and always take care of yourself

Was so blameless, it seemed attainable for a girl that was driven by goals

Or was it stubbornness that I had to be better

Abounded at 2, I promised myself I will never need my oppressors

That I will never confirm their vile thoughts against me

That I had the willpower to write my own story

Now years later all I have is tears of regret,
replaying scenarios of how I could have done it better.

The next thing I remember I was gasping for air as if my life depended on it

My sheets drenched in a pool of sweat, my crooked lips parted with a shout for help

That's when I realised it was only a dream

I promised myself this particular dream I will never make it come to true.


  1. "My sheets drenched in a pool of sweat, my crooked lips parted with a shout for help"



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