
I Told Myself...

Every moment in this beautiful life we live feels like crunch time and we are constantly bound to make decisions that will bind us for the rest of our lives. I told myself that for every moment I am going to make a decision I am going to accept the outcome either good or bad. Life is never the same every minute, it has got its ups and downs so I told myself I am going to live it the best way I can. I have been faced with challenging situations that at some point in time I wasn't bold enough to even think of a future. I thought I had lost it but then I told myself the promise upon my life was made already I am going to pull through. It feels awkward at times to speak positively upon a bad situation but the thing is what you tell yourself is what you believe in and that is good enough to make tables turn for the greater good.  Life from my own point of view can be a tale of tells. When I found myself crying, I told myself worries are not going to last for lon

The Beauty Of Speaking Last: Here's To A Better You!

The art of listening is yet to be mastered by many people. We walk with placards on our heads that literally say, 'hear me, but I really don't care what you have to say'. Many leaders, individuals and even our bosses lack that. The moment they get into a room it is all about what they expect and usually, everything is already laid out. But then again, how do you expect an open conversation when there are already strict guidelines on what to talk about?  There is a huge difference between giving direction and taking over the whole narrative. Sometimes approaches prove having a position doesn't make someone a leader . The moment you state out ' what is ' and 'what is not' you have already taken the power out of their tongue and replaced it with ' Can this interrogation be over already '. Oh well, that's wrong, it should be a conversation, an exchange, not completely one-sided. Once one person dominates, it's no longer one and y

A Little Push Wouldn't Hurt If You Try!

Often times than most, we seek easy gratification to our untiring hunger. Simple and clear 1 2 3 instructions, still some find it hard to just sit down, read, process and then act. Because of our need to fast track things we skip the important insights in the rush to get it over with. There is a difference between getting over with something and a great finish. It doesn't make sense to rush things through and do substandard work all in the name of wanting to be done with it. The difference is in the execution, it is key! Whether it's laziness or it's just not caring enough to do work thoroughly, only you would know. I'm in this employment group, many or at least a considerable amount of job opportunities pour in. That's a good thing. We are flourishing.  Whoop whoop! But, yes there is but, it troubles me how come there are still many people who join the group. One day it dawned me. As usual, people forwarded new opportunities, and people feast with a hop

Black & White

There is one thing I fear, not seeing things for what they are. I would rather see things plainly, picture souls rather than clothes. Somethings look better in black & white. Wait... No! Everything looks good in black & white. Black and white shapes truth, like words, shape characters. It paints dreams and real truth. Seeds of what is & what isn't. Everything balanced. Same color. Same tone. Where hate and racism are born blind. Arrogance for the color of the skin is silenced. Racism, Gender-based violence... has no place in black & white. Picture in black and white, all distractions are removed. It is a big contrast. Like how is it just dark. And then extreme light. There's no in-between. A mix of purity, integrity, and honor. Salt and pepper of colors it balances the taste.

Twenty-Twenty: It Has A Nice Ring To It, Doesn't It!?

The new decade is finally here and it makes you feel really old when you realise you're living in your third decade. The recklessness and free spirit of your quarter life years is fading and the middle ages are fast approaching. If you could turn back the clock or fast forward it you'd realise every stage of life comes with it's own challenges. So the year is a new one but the challenges are old because there's nothing new under the sun. You'd think social media is new but it's really just a mode of communication and communication has been there for the longest. And since people could communicate they would lie, cheat, pretend they're doing better than they actually are and spread toxic gossip. We might be young and living online but we're doing well. Those who came before us started world wars after all. I know a lot of people like me have resolutions and some don't subscribe to that notion which is fair and fine. Often taking differ

I Know But... I Really Don't Know!

Please stop robbing yourself from what you know! I freeze I tremble  I blackout Expectation vs reality I see myself acing it but reality slaps the daydream off my face "I would love to travel the world but I really don't know." "I don't like it when you undermine my opinions and contributions but well I don't know hey." "I really like this guy, the only problem he is inconsistent. I don't know, I guess will see how it goes." Statements or compromised situations we subject our selves to. It's so funny how a few words can change our perception. It is true what they say: it's not about how you start but how you finish . More often than the usual, many ends a sentence with a few consonants keys, a soothing beat to make our mistakes enjoyable. We have know judgment so well we deprive ourselves of expressing fully. Ending with an 'I don't know' or 'I guess' waters down the pos

Blood Was Shed At 6 PM

She (sister, mother, friend) walked confidentially home; She used the same road she had known for years. Cranberry it was; plastered on a somehow rusty half-fallen metal post.  A few teases from the boys who lodged on the drains as usual. It was the norm. But, this time it was different. She would usually plug-in her earphones to block the predator's remarks. But this time it was different, a dark cloud hovered on her back. A sharp pain suddenly encroached the back of her head With a hurricane-like force, it brought her to her knees.  Her guard was gone, she lied there helplessly in pain As the predator forcefully took what it hadn't sowed. Once again the vultures won. Bloodshed at 6 pm, as her soul left her body. She used the familiar road she knew  She wore clothes below her knees Covered her boobs And didn't accentuate her God-given endowed body But still,  bloodshed at 6 pm. Maybe it's not what she wore, What time it was,