At The Crossroads: How To Be A Person Of Purpose

Welcome, everyone to the first ever At The Crossroads which is based on people and narratives that inspire (d) me. At The Crossroads, stands for exploring deeper meaning than looking at the surface. It all about taking a different perspective, so it just me looking at stories that speak to me, motivate and inspire me. We tend to just follow what other people are doing but never do we stop and appreciate what they do, lessons to take away and redefine the known. So take a sit, have an open mind and let's explore! #Read It Out

Now that we have acquainted ourselves with the new column. Let's get into it! Today I'm shining a light on Partice Washington if you don't know you better start googling. But after you finish reading this article of course (wink). 

"With any habit, you want to form or break. It is all about shifting, first of all, what you say about yourself because most of it is a story you made up anyways. So all you have to do is change the story!"

Deep right? Okay so let's start on the above quote, it spoke to me in many different ways I didn't think it would. It fueled my dormant mind that used to tell itself it can't do this or that. And I would act as a victim, not knowing I hold the power to be whoever I want. Are you following me? How many times do you sob, feel sorry for yourself or worse off disqualify yourself from life opportunities? Is it really because you can not do it, or it is a pre-programmed mindset that is polluting your sense of adventure, thinking outside the box and breaking set boundaries. Or whether they are boundaries you set for yourself, by culture or family background.

I was reading a book called "The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck" by Mark Manson, in his one rather blunt quotes he explained on how we tend to attract what we put our energy on. At first, I questioned what the guy was on about, and when I read about Patrice I had that "Aha" moment. Finally, it made sense.

"The desire for a positive experience is itself a negative experience. And paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negeative experience is itself a positive experience."

Confusing, but very true. Let me explain!  There is nothing in life that comes on a silver platter. Old news, but we get over ambitious sometimes. Just because you are a good person, spiritual or meek, we feel entitled to everything. No hunny, if you want something, be prepared to shed tears and blood. "In life, everything worthwhile in life is won through surmounting the associated negative experience." Which brings us back to Patrice Washington as a great example she had to go through the debt, losing it all, being called ugly to be where she is. I don't wish this on anyone, but sometimes a little bit of pain the sweeter the reward is.

You must be wondering what is the story here. Well, it took me longer to explain why this narrative is at the crossroads this week.  Well! What I'm simply talking about is Be A Person Of Purpose. 

  • Get command of your mind, what you speak yourself shapes you. Choose things that are in your best interest.
  • People are always going to be in your business. So spend time with people that make you rather than break you. Self introspect and choose your company wisely.
  • No one is wrong and no one is right. You can never be a know it all, so Patrice's words, " You don't know, what you don't know."
  • Be a good example, rather than waiting for what you want. "Start giving whatever that you want from people; if it is money give it first: if it respects give it first or you want connections and opportunities introduce your self first."
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. It is such a freeing moment when you accept your negative experience, eat a humble pie.
  • Negotiate! Don't be too quick to accept what is put on the table. Stop dumbing yourself and accept what you are worth.
Note: Be a person of purpose, own every step and decision. "Make choice routed in faith and not fear." Be the hero of your own story! Be your own rescue...


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