Reasons Why I am Pro-Choice!

📷 Simphie Thoughts

Great minds work together, great minds collaborate. Great minds find beauties and appreciate them.

Okay enough with the big words, what I am simply saying is we have a guest blogger today🤗. Be nice okay and of course enjoy the different touch and the wise words. 

You know how lately there’s been that buzz about abortion (Pro-life vs Pro-choice) going crazy on social and mass media. It only seemed fitting that I share my two pieces on the issue. The thing about these things is that you can’t be neutral about it; you have to make a decision and my decision that I am Pro-choice.

Now before those who are Pro-life attack me, hear me out. It really is like that sometimes, not everyone is going to want to enter the world of parenthood. There are several circumstances that have to be taken into consideration.

Mental and Emotional stability of the woman

Let’s be honest, you really can’t be a good parent when you are not mentally or emotionally ready for it, especially when you know that you will never be ready. Most of the time people will preach that “maybe once you hold the child in your arms you will love him/her instantly”. This isn’t the case like 80% of the time. There are cases where a woman will carry out the whole pregnancy only to not even want to touch or see the child again. Now there is an unwanted child who will just be put in the system, growing up with that “why didn’t my mother want me” mentality. As much as adoption is a thing, not every child is going to be adopted at the end of the day. Not everyone is fit to be a parent, this is a fact. And I am not opposing the stance of “pro-life.” I love life and I love babies, but an unwanted life can be worse than no life at all. I think safe sex and abstinence education is needed. Like many pro-choice believers, I want the number of abortions to be limited, or at least I want to limit the overwhelming need for abortions.

The situation simply doesn’t allow for another life to be born

There are several cases that would only complicate the woman’s life even more if she is to have the child. I will start with the obvious one; no one wants to have a baby when that baby was conceived by violent means. I know for a fact no woman wants to have a rapist’s offspring. That child would just be a painful reminder of one’s sexual trauma, and now there is no healing. The next situation will be the cases of the man walking away and leaving the woman alone. Hence why since she is now alone it becomes her choice of what to do with the pregnancy. Imagine the situation where you are in the woman’s shoes… you have no stable income and no emotional support; your family has disowned you because of this. Besides that, the timing sometimes just isn’t right, perhaps your career is just taking off and you don’t plan to start a family anytime soon. This all just goes back to the first point; you should not take on something when you are completely stable to do so.

This is the only option that is not ruled by misogyny.

I am just going to say it… men do not have uteruses, they do not experience the periods, the menopause, the labour. They do not know the full extent of it all. No old man can control how the uterus works, they cannot stop it from working or “talk it into submission”. This should be the one thing that we have complete control over as females… our bodies. I personally believe it’s not even a case of whether you are male or female. Everyone has control over their own body. You are allowed to do what you want with it; without having restrictions imposed by the government or religion.

I could honestly go on about this but the long story short is that the decision of what to do with pregnancy should really be left to the owner of the body.  And I believe that the consequences of an unwanted pregnancy can be worse than the “benefits” of having irresponsible sex. However, in some cases, I believe that abortion IS taking responsibility. Bringing an unwanted child into the world is irresponsible. The brutal truth is that making abortion illegal will only lead to more backstreet abortion which is even worse by the way. I also believe that people generally need to educated about practising safe sex and contraceptives should be easily accessible to everyone.

Sooo😃? Show some love and leave your two senses in the comment section. That's all, until then 👋.


  1. I love it chommie and l personally think most women have t be taught on loving themselves and making good decisions for their own good u know. Thank u love

  2. Kkkkk I'm torn between both
    But I do agree that bringing a baby into the world without prepation into this world is ... witchcraft lol especially if you're going to throw him/her away.

  3. Everything have to be in place. Planning is key!

  4. I wish I could slow clap you in comments. I can't, but imagine that I am.
    I'm pro choice through and through. I may not want an abortion should the time come, but someone else might. It's entirely up to them. It's their bodies, their minds and most importantly, their life.

    Women need to be taught that the decision is theirs, for their own good and no one else. You know? We rest too much on the opinions of others sometimes which can leave us worse mentally and emotionally down the line.

    Wonderful and bold post!

    - Nyxie

    1. Thank you Nyxie, I really appreciate your feedback👏💙


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