Key Steps To Having Your Cake and Eat It Too...

Key Steps To Having Your Cake and Eat It Too

When people show you who they believe them the first time. The signs are always there and we may be oblivious to see them. In life, the little things people do show more than the surface and we tend to overlook them. It is those little things that make a person. So if a person treats you some kind of way or says something that makes you question their intentions believe it the first time. Do not wait for the second, third or fourth time to make it sink in. Don’t let yourself believe it is the slip of the tongue or they said it due to pressure. The behavior that they show you, it is who they are. In most cases where we let the little things pass, they are the same things that will be problematic in the future in our relationships.  

Before you act or speak make it a priority to put yourself in their shoes. There is always a nicer way to voice out your opinions without hurting people’s feelings or make them feel some time of way. In the words of Rabison Shumba, “Be watchful of what you say. You can never take back the words that left your mouth.” If this applies to you, why should you settle for anything less than respect? Do not give excuses for people who have bad manners and do not value you. It is easier to hurt people close to you because they are close and within reach.

 It makes one think isn’t this abuse, the fact that we overlook the first signs people show us of their abusive ways whether emotionally or verbally. Familiarity creates a conducive environment for tolerance and ignorance which blocks reason and common sense. We tend to normalize everything and everyone that we become familiar with. Learn to be independent and think outside the confines of what you know. If a person is not willing to treat you right and invest in excellence they are not worth your time and effort. In business when you invest you expect quality service, so why should you settle for substandard service? Set your boundaries and standards and if they have the right intentions they will adhere to them.


  1. so "its these little foxes that have finished our vineyards!!" this is a slap in the face, powerful wake up call

    1. Yes buddy and we tend to overlook them. I love that expression, well said.

  2. Its a wake up call for all of us.
    some do hide their bad habits
    using the saying " ndozvandiri" or other people covering for them .we should indeed see the red flags as we be cunning like a snake but peaceful as doves.

  3. "So if a person treats you some kind of way or says something that makes you question their intentions believe it the first time. Do not wait for the second, third or fourth time to make it sink in. Don’t let yourself believe it is the slip of the tongue or they said it due to pressure."

    This on so many levels. I keep telling myself my parents are in grief mode which is why they are being so judgemental and mean, but they have always been like that to me, grief makes no difference and I shouldn't have to stick around and take it!

    Thank you so, so much for sharing!

    - Nyxie


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