Can’t You Take A Joke!

I have heard this more than some of  your favourites' music. My bad, but focus that’s beside the point.  It's true you can never be everyone’s cup of coffee, neither do some jokes. “My partner doesn’t know how to play.” Have you ever asked yourself that maybe you don’t have the same sense of humour? Interesting now? Let me explain. Teasing in itself is not always negative, come one it's a potent form of flirtation and seduction until you mess it up. It lies between intent and impact! 

Almost everyone has a sense of humour, you just have to flip the right comedy. We all say he/she must be able to make me laugh. It’s necessary, with life choking us out, a good laugh is a need. In the previous article, we talked about the importance of knowing your partner’s mental health, well , sense of humour comes with the package. You know the limits of your jokes, basically establish a shared sense of humour without hurting your partner’s feelings.

How to still be a joker without hurting your partner’s feelings?

Something that’s a joke to one person can be hurtful to someone else. Even the person making the joke doesn’t mean anything by it. Let's no to toxic be someone's mental health. For me, I can’t make any joke that has to do with anything about weight, no matter how your intention is pure it will always end in tears. Call it extra or what, everyone has triggers and that’s not good for my mental health. Like literally. Understood! Sometimes or every time in my mind it’s simply bullies playing down how the situation really is.

Here’s how to still joke around but not step on anyone toes:

  • Don’t joke around about their flaws, it’s definite insecurity trigger. Okay, let’s say you joke around about how slow they are to anger. You even find them a pet name like a volcano or something like that. And you say over again and even get creative in the process. They might think, oh well, I’m not good enough or making progress dealing with their mental health. Never use negative humour. It hurts.

  • Don’t be jerk. When you first meet someone, you plan to be a long-term member of your circle, it’s difficult to know where to draw the line between funny, dry or offensive jokes. Put yourself in their shoes and if you would be receptive to the same joke on you.

  • Unless you know the person and the joke isn’t told with malicious intent. Again, a reason why it’s important to know your people’s mental health situation.

Common jokes people make that are actually offensive

“Who sings that song? Oh right, we should keep it that way.”

In reality you are telling someone to keep their mouth shut when their favourite comes one. Imagine the nerve.

“I can explain, but you wouldn’t understand.”

This is a weird thing to say. How do you already conclude before they even hear what you have to say? It’s definitely a sarcastic insult that may not seem like it at first but truly is.

“Why can’t you be more like her/him?”

Seems like it doesn’t need explaining. No matter how playful you say, this ain’t it. You are essentially attacking their abilities.
Can’t you take a joke? Hell yeah, I can, maybe you just not my kind of funny! Walk on!

It's Mental Health Awareness Week, Be Kind Always! You never know what the next person is going through and dealing with. No jokes!


  1. Love this - articulates really well the fine line between a joke and something hurtful and how you need to be considerate of others and things that might upset them.


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